
Zedkins 28-04-2018

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Revision as of 13:56, 29 April 2018 by Mellori (Talk | contribs)

[Zz] Zedkins Seconds 28-4-2018

Scribe: Mellori ~ See Forum Minutes

What's that, Sue?

Two new Zedkins in one meeting?!

Is that even legal? They're sprouting up all over the place!


Y'know, Sue... she's from accounting.

Hello, Mellori here for another recounting of the latest meeting.

There will be quiz at the end.

Reports suggest most people skim read this bit, so I'll just fill it with words in order to look knowledgeable:

+Zedwick ~ Dolor sit amet

+LadyBountiful ~ Cu putant voluptua

+The1Shaw ~ Urbanitas has

+UmWolfguyyyy ~ An verterem

+Dogzack123 ~ Appellantur ius

+Treiskaideka ~ Eum ne scaevola

+Mellori_ ~ Mediocritatem

+LeFozzy ~ Amet platonem

+Snickaaman ~ Convenire sit id

A troubling trio decided to pursue something called a "Social Life" this meeting. Dunno what that is:

-ABParadigm (Excused)

-Jasmyn01 (Excused)

-SneakySkeleton (Excused)


With the gang accounted for, we split up and looked for topics.

I'm not saying there was a person in a monster suit, but Dogz looked awfully sharp in that pumpkin.


New Zedkins

As you may have noticed, we have two new Zedkins as of this last meeting.

With a unanimous vote, both LeFozzy and Snickaaman have become Zedkins.

Both have already helped out the community immensely - LeFozzy being the builder of both the Zen Tree Farm and Oxfordia Wither Farm, and Snicka always willing to lend a hand in building and horticulture - and it's hoped they'll enjoy assisting fellow players from this position of supreme ruling friendly helper.


Zen - Market Stalls and Shops

As decided in prior meetings, Zed has helped remove the stall shop chests that have been unstocked for the last few months.

Those affected have had their things placed in the Zedkin offices and may ask for them back from a Zedkin:




A shop claim by DSRE was also removed, as they are now using the plot that Jasmyn01's shop used to occupy.

They have been given a deadline of May the 12th to finish building their shop, however, as the current build is incomplete and can spawn mobs.

Here the council had a discussion on the gifting of shop plots, and have decided that this process must go through a Zedkin first from now on, to avoid confusion.

District three (the area behind the post office) was also mentioned as being ready for expansion upon.

The idea for district three is a more modern style of shops - Colonial Americas to be more specific.

I don't claim to know much about architecture, but Wolf has "volunteered" to make an example build.

Reminds me of that architect who always walked around with a spade on his head...

You know what they called him?

Yeah, that's right - Quentin.


Zen - Pier

On a related note to the prior topic, Foalan26's concrete shop has been removed from the pier, but the pier itself is untouched.

We all agree that he's done a fantastic job, but that the concrete didn't match the theme.

A truly, pierless, build!


Public Farms

Here both LeFozzy and Shaw wanted to discuss some issues with the Zen Tree Farm and the Oxfordia Wither Skeleton Farm.

It's come to LeFozzy's attention that the tree farm isn't always being replanted, and I myself have seen the Chorus plants being reduced to stumps at times.

We'd just like to make a friendly reminder that not replanting trees is technically griefing, as it does affect those using the tree farm after you.

On a less serious note, Shaw and Fozzy mentioned that the Wither Skeleton Farm is sometimes being left on by mistake.

Please do remember to turn it off if you have to leave, as the chunks being unrendered while it is on can cause it to stop working.

Obviously losing internet or power can cause you to leave unexpectedly, so Zed is looking at ways to detect unrendered chunks. Perhaps there's a cool solution round the corner that doesn't involve the mass gluing of parrot feet...


Zed's Announcements and 'Discourse'

We had a small discussion about the general feeling toward subclaims, but aside from a mentioning of vertical claims being a cool idea, we agreed that they were workable while finicky. Simplification of them would be tricky without losing current features.

Afterwards, Zed explained the upcoming events:

Casual Build-off 29th of April

4pm to 9pm BST

UHC 13th of May

6pm BST

He also mentioned that the new region post plug-in that he's been working on is making slow progress, but progress non-the-less.

It will certainly arrive "soon", but he also let slip some hints towards some cool features that will be tied into it.

I'm sure it will be worth the wait!


Well, that was a rather short meeting.

Now time for the quiz:

If you could choose one block to build a house with, would it be -

a) Cobble

b) Mossy Cobble

c) The wrong answer

Post your answers to the Cobble Federation (Mellori, Post Box #2), whom will definitely not categorize each of you based on your answers!