
Zedling Council Meeting 2018-07-14

From Zedwiki

Revision as of 11:51, 15 July 2018 by Spectatre (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Attendance== ===Council Members Present=== *Zedwick *LadyBountiful *Forseth *Aravero *Spectatre - "Scribe" *ABParadigm - "Host" *KhasOrn *SooprJ *Dax23333 *tim1996 *Earthcow...")

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Council Members Present

  • Zedwick
  • LadyBountiful
  • Forseth
  • Aravero
  • Spectatre - "Scribe"
  • ABParadigm - "Host"
  • KhasOrn
  • SooprJ
  • Dax23333
  • tim1996
  • Earthcow



No Apologies

  • EliasRipley
  • SneakySkeleton
  • Memery


  • Steve2363
  • _Saber101_
  • _Nickelodeon
  • BenClass150

"EXT: FISH BASEMENT. ABP and Spec await the other members of THE COUNCIL.
ABP: Hey Spec, you wanna scribe?
Spec: Sure!
Both believe THE MEETING will be short, given there is but one topic and one announcement in the agenda. The PARROTS, knowing better, laugh to themselves while swaying to the funky, funky beat. THE COUNCIL begin to arrive."



After people summon the Dragon in the end, a lil' bit of housekeeping needs done to get the area back to before the dragon arrives like a hellish flighted lamb to the slaughter.
The obsidian tower we walk through to go from the end farm to the exit portal needs the tunnel re-dug, and the flowing lava down the sides of the pillars also need sorted so that the lava flows into the glass 'cups', all neat and un-burny.
Bit of a common courtesy - slay the dragon, clean up the battleground!
It was suggested that either a forum thread or a wiki page could be made to explain exactly what needs done, so that this could be used as a reference for people trying to undo the dragon damage. There was a bit of back and forth on whether it should be a forum or a wiki post, ABP offered to make a forum post and I offered to make a wiki page out of that forum post.
The dream works through team work - that dream being hoping ABP explains in the forum thread what the deal is with the lava because he explained it twice in the meeting and I still don't get it
It didn't get mentioned on this topic, but just in case there was any confusion - if you summon the dragon, you really do have to kill it. No matter how adorable you think it is or how much it offers you in bribe.
Forum thread hasn't been made yet so instead here is a baby giraffe: He's trying his best

ELLA the PARROT is knocked from her perch and teleports to their owner, SPECTATRE. They have a staring competition before ELLA is returned to the jukebox to further enjoy the boogie"</br>

II - 1.13, 2, 1...

Brought up by a dashing pile of rocks in the pre-agenda meeting, ABP queried the status of 1.13 (The long-heralded Update Aquatic), which is due to land on Minecraft at some point next week. Will it wash us away like a tsunami, or will we be chilling out in our new bubble-jacuzzi?
Zed has around "160,000" commands to re-write, as the way commands happen are changing. LVS will update as soon as the update seems stable and security is in place. Usually the update will roll out to LVS the same day, same week at the latest.
Some script will break because there is a lot of script, and script loves a good break (she says, typing 800 words of notes into 1800 words of notes).
Compared to our sister server ZZ, LVS will have a relatively peaceful transition into the bubbly utopia. By contrast, all ZZ plugins will break, some never to plug again. "Less" fun. Perhaps y'all should come join LVS? ;D

But for us LVS folk, the banner phrase is 'everything will be fine'. Zed also announced he's working on a script to regenerate the oceans, more advanced than the one currently used on the end. It will take a while post-release for it to be operational, but he's far enough along that he's confident he can make it work.
It requires great care (Much like his beard) so as to not accidentally mess up underwater builds, or make patchy underwater or big ol' chunk borders
Various council members praised zed for the care he was taking in landing us all on the update so soon, at which point ABP's horse, rather put off by being forgotten at the last meeting and shut up in my house patiently waiting for ABP to pick him up, "which he never did", jumped on the table and made a bit of a scene. Ara, feeling for him, went on a joyride to calm him down.
Zed then asked what features people were most looking forward to. Ara likes trapdoors and tropical fish, ABP likes trapdoors, tridents and tbark blocks, tim likes coral reefs, Saber likes drowning (dark! r u ok saber), Steve likes conduits, Ara v.2 likes bark blocks and water mechanics, and Forseth is looking forward to the youtube videos explaining what is going on. Aren't we all, Forseth.
When asking what we're not looking forward to, I mentioned the prospect of having to schlep several dozen transportable babby fish into Blutopia's Fish Tank, ABP was disappointed at not having waterlogged lava, to the confusion of everyone and Basic Understanding of Science. He was also concerned that Drowned would mess up the efficiency of the Fish Basement, and vowed to light up the ocean. Zed motioned to ban light pollution - not because he was concerned at the lag, but because he likes shadows. This was the first of many signs that the meeting was about to descend into weird meandering places.

III - Embassage - KhasOrn

KhasOrn of the fledgling LVS ProMasons, had a question of etiquette, regarding setting up embassies for the ProMasons in each warp town. Should he ask Mayors directly, or should he make a public forum post? It was mentioned that unless a warp town has rules requiring mayoral permission prior to building something, any player should be able to somewhere, similar to anywhere else on the server. Khas clarified that he had asked the mayor of Forest Hills (MsKizz) whether he could use an area she had built a farm on for an embassy (so, demolishing her build), and she agreed.
The question at hand being simple, a solution was equally simple - it being her own build, she can choose to have someone re-use the area without any fuss. It was suggested Khas make a forum post so that there was written proof of this permission, so that it ws unambiguous to players and Guardians alike. Khas agreed to do so.
Then this topic...sprawled. Like me on a hot day, lying on the floor of my room wondering who decided Britain should ever get even "slightly" warm and who I could yell at to fix such a thing. Heavens to Betsy. Dax arrived, six sheets to the wind, announcing that he was the fiendish fellow who left the End dragonized, to the admonishment of everyone. He jumped about a lot to ensure everyone was aware of his presence, ABP started bashing him while Khas politely asked if he could ask another question. DUKE the parrot was also knocked from his perch and stared at me, judgingly, until I took him back to the music section. To have all five parrots dancing required two simultaneous jukeboxes, often playing different tracks, so this entire topic was fittingly underscored by clashing, distant music.
KhasOrn asked that mayors could contant him so that he could open diplomatic lines for the Masons. Ara made a defence of unfinished/unused buildings, making an appeal to server history. Zed comedically countered by suggesting tearing down finished buildings, which excited Dax and ABP who apparently hoarde lots and lots of TNT they wanted to use (eep)

Zed brought us back a little into sensibleness, reminding everyone that mayors/council cannot unilaterally decide that other player builds can be changed/destroyed without the owner's or Guardian's permission.
Mayors/Council can mark builds for a period of observation and give proposed demolition dates, but must get Guardian approval before beginning.
If a warp town has rules regarding mayoral ability to demolish/amend builds, these are viewed as evidence when the Guardians make a decision, and work still cannot be carried out without Guardian permission.
It was suggested for a wiki page to be made, with information for people whose buildings get marked, explaining what it means, what they can do, and the procedure that happens before it can be demolished. Even after the time period has lapsed, Guardians may still reject a demolition appeal if they believe a player will return.
It was around this point that ABP pressed the time-out button (Its first use since the regulation passed, as I recall) as the meeting was about to hit the maximum 90 minutes for topic discussion. It was agreed this would be discussed further in the forums, so it will be, assuming anyone can work out what this topic was actually about.

IV - No c'est pas une announcement - Zedwick

Tying on from the notion of 'server history' that came up in the preious topic, Zed mentinoed that there were lots of cool builds on the server! Some of them are really old and have a cool history, and wouldn't it be fun to document some of our favourites on a wiki page!
Everyone immediately liked the idea, and it was decided a forum thread would be made for people to post suggestions, screenshots, information and whatnot
Forum thread is here Clicky "Yay me, I actually made the thread in time for the notes unlike some ABP's I know"
Do you know of a cool build you'd like a wiki page for? Do you know some cool history about some builds on the server? Get on down to the thread!

V - The Future

Coming up onnnn Zedwork! Mini-Event - guess when 1.13 will land! No prizes, only bragging rights
29th July - Casual Buildathon - 4pm BST - 9pm BST - promised to be the most on-time Buildathon yet! The theme hint is 'I've run out of time themes'
12th August - UHC - 6pm BST - The previous UHC had three players. After finding out ABP had a sharpness 5 axe, Zed made an alliance with Treis, and in the effort to dash to the centre to set up defences, immediately fell into a ravine. Good job.

There were no nominations, after asking for host volunteers there was a dealthy silence. Dax volunteered to host for as long as it took him to realise he was probably not going to be there. I, sensing this meeting was never ever going to end, volunteered to volunteer Mem to host. Satisfied enough, ABP announced that one of the three of us would end up hosting, probably, and called an end to the meeting. We fled.
See you all in two weeks!