
Zedling Council Meeting 2018-08-25

From Zedwiki

Revision as of 22:31, 25 August 2018 by Memery (Talk | contribs)


Council Members Present

  • Spoorj - Host
  • Memery - Scribe
  • Zedwick
  • LadyBountiful
  • Forseth
  • SneakySkeleton
  • ABParadigm
  • KhasOrn


  • tim1996
  • Dax23333
  • Spectatre

No Apologies

  • EarthCow (Removed from the council :( )
  • Aravero


  • BenClass150
  • iuela


I - Poking a sleeping Mayor - KhasOrn

Starting the action-packed meeting with a BANG was Khas! Who wanted to know if anyone could contact current Mayoress of Forest Hills: MsKizz to ask for her to go ahead in building the first Free Masons Embassu (Is that still funny and relevant?). Anyway, some guy called "Memery" said that he could message her and proceeded to do so. Seemingly satisfied, Khas thanked the room at large and was then removed of his special red name.

II - Poking a gorgeous bearded man - Memery

Look I know this isn't much of topic, okay, it was a quiet meeting... Next up that same "Memery" guy asked for a quick update on how transferring LVS to the latest version of Minecraft (1.13.1 for those keeping score at home). Memery and the rest of the council then offered some different scales for which Zedwick could plot his "readiness" to update LVS. Some suggest scales included: 1to 10, Honda to Ferrari, Rich Tea to Custard cream and ABP to Memery. Zedwick settled on an undetermined scale with an answer of "Yeah sort of a bit close not really maybe in a few days or maybe not knows oh look over there something shiny". After the rooms attention finally moved away from the shiny thing, the topics continued...

III - Poking a gorgeous bearded man: Electric Boogaloo - Sooprj

Sooprj then asked Zedwick to elaborate on his ocean regen script to clarify how it would work and what would be affected. I've made a handy bullet point list with relevant questions and answers or those interested:

  • Is the script ready yet?

- No, it is still being developed

  • How does it work?

- It checks each chunk against certain criteria to try and see if that ocean chunk has been developed or not. Currently, more checks are needed to guarantee that no man-made structures get re-generated

  • What kind of checks will it do?

- It will check for blocks that cant exist in the world without players, like crafting tables. It will also check for player edited structures like ocean monuments that have been drained of water or areas that have been lit up with torches.

Thus concludes my list, if you have a concern your build may be affected, please contact Zedwick as soon as possible to make sure your build isn't destroyed in the great ocean purge.

Announcementzzzzz - Zedwick

Buildathon! - Tomorrow! 25th, 4pm-9pm BST. - "It's still not 1.13 so stop askingggg"

UHC - 9th September, 6pm BST It's not summer anymore, sad times.
As for Nominations, this turned into a bit of a meme. ABP decided to nominate a golden carrot. Zed then joked that the council might end up spending 2 hours debating what items could or could not be nominated. Highjinks ensue __M throws in a wild nomination for "acacia fence gate". I had a great time thanks for asking...
I am writing this before a host is selected while I wait for someone to volunteer to host.... still nothing... ok I caved and nominated myself... So you better all come because this meeting will double up as my housewarming party! Be there or be Alan!