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Revision as of 20:32, 27 September 2018 by Dax23333 (Talk | contribs)

ABParadigm, also know by ABParable, ABParachute, ABParasol, ABParabola, ABParanormal, ABParasect, or simply "Ghosty," is an LVS player who is afk about 70% of the time. He is the subject of the infamous ABPDAB picture created by Dax23333 which you can find in many places on LVS.


Notable things ABParadigm has done in the breif periods he was not AFK

  • Created the Fish Basement prismarine farm.
  • Halloween event for 2018.
  • Along with dogzack123 was the first person to unlock the Witch Class in Dungeon Dash
  • Also along with dogzack123, was the first person to discover and unlock the Archivist in Dungeon Dash.