
Zedkins 29-09-18

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[Zz] Zedkins Zeconds 29-9-2018

Scribe: Mellori ~ See Forum Minutes


One Fishy Boi leaving the Zedkins (last weekend, colorized).

Attended: Excused: Absent:
Zedwick LeFozzy The1Shaw
Treiskaideka SneakySkeleton


Spooky things were to be found aplenty in this meeting, and not just in the form of Jasmyn's evil stare!


Indeed, as we all huddled together in the, thankfully, well lit Zedkin hall, it was revealed that Zed - our gracious, beautiful and most wise guardian...

Oh wait, that's Lady. I meant the other one. Y'know, stylish hat? Bit of a penchant for facial hair and a questionable lack of clothes?

No? Me neither. Anyway, what was I saying?

Halloween Events!

After much discussion, planning, voting, a fish and some hastily drawn diagrams, the Zedkins agreed that having a halloween event could be generally seen as a "Good Idea".

Happy with our decision, we all promptly did absolutely nothing, and instead listened with interest to PulsaterII's own plans for a halloween event, which can be found in details that may be expanded upon here!

I would describe it here, but the forum post sums everything up nice and succinctly - worth a read.


Returning to Zedkin events, we agreed that decorating Zen should be a priority now that October is here, and we shall perhaps be hosting a mini-buildoff behind the Zen Post Office (in district 3). More details of such will be posted on the forums around the time of the next Zedkin Meeting, once we have everything set up, so keep an eye out if you're interested!


Zen Zopic Zime

Zin Zhich Ze... wait, no. That's just getting zilly.


In which we quickly skimmed over the Zen log and goings on about the place over the past couple weeks.

I say quickly - we all just sorta paused for a few minutes, staring at each other and wondering who'd break first...



Fishy Friend Flees For Fun

After poking each other awake, ABParadigm stepped up to make an announcement!

Unfortunately the notes here are blotted with tears, and therefore conveniently unreadable.

So instead I've managed to scrape together a recreation of the scene that followed:


That's right! Our very own ABootParadigm is leaving the Zedkins to frolic in the fields of free weekends once more!

I'd say we'll miss him but... well, he isn't really going anywhere. He just wanted his weekends back...



Zeddy's Zannouncements

After tossing his bag of chips (that's English chips, thank you very much) to the wayside, Zed stepped up to make an announcement!

Unfortunately the notes here are blotted with..... wait, is that chip grease?


UHC 14th of October, 6pm BST

Make sure to arrive early, else you won't be able to join!

Circular thing

A weird thing has appeared in the lobby. Little is known, but I blame Dax...



Idk what the cough thing was all about, it just sorta happened...

I blame Dax for that as well.