
Zedkins 07-07-18

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[Zz] Zedkins Zeconds 07-7-2018

Scribe: Mellori ~ See Forum Minutes

Another Seconds?

Y'know, if I had a penny for every Seconds, I'd have about...

Well, I'd have a lot of pennys.


Reminds me of that bloke Bedwick. Never liked him.

¿Henlo? and welcome to another Zedkin Seconds.

This weeks issue comes with the chance to win a free cobble!

Simply message me the answer to the following question:

In the twenty-eighth episode of I'm a Cobble Get Me a Silk Pick, Sir Cobbleton Esquire used what handy object to save his fellow camp-blocks from the hazardous pit of Smelons?

Was it:

A: A Half Eaten Carrot?

B: A stick named Ping?

C: An Excited Chicken called Ferdinand?

Good luck!

Lines close on the 14th of July, 2018. Messages will cost your standard cobble fee. Mellori retains the right to give the cobble to those with the most accurate description of the events that unfolded with said object. Mellori also retains the right to drink tea, and wishes people to know that.


A fairly quiet meeting this time, but with a lot done:

+ Zedwick

+ LadyBountiful

+ Treiskaideka

+ iiWolfyyy

+ ABPardigm

+ Mellori_


SneakySkeleton, Dogzack123 and Snickaaman.


The1Shaw, Jasmyn01, LeFozzy and Developaw.

(A strike is removed with two attended meetings)


Zen Market

Our first topic was raised by Sneaky soon after the previous meeting, where we decided to place signs outside shops - designating their owners to light up their roofs.

Sneaky requested in the pre-agenda that we decide exactly where and when signs will be placed for occasions such as roof lighting and stock management needing the owner's oversight, so we spent a good (read, we were falling asleep by the end of) hour marking up the regulations for such occasions.

I'll give a brief rundown here, as we will be going into more detail and voting on the new system next meeting:

If more than two thirds of a shop's chests are out of stock, a Zedkin will mark it on the Zen Log page under Shop Stocks with the date it was marked. This will remain until the shop is stocked, at which point it will be changed to indicate so. This stocked notice will further remain up until the next meeting.

The owner will then be informed, in person by one of the Zedkins, that they need to stock it, and they will have two months (four meetings) to do so, receiving a strike each meeting it isn't stocked.

After four strikes, the shop will be unclaimed by Zedwick and the shop's stock put into named and dated chests under the Zedkin Offices to await the owner's collection.

If the stock isn't collected in one year from storage, it will be donated to the Zen chests with the exception of truly valuable items, which will be kept in storage indefinitely.


That's the basic rundown for stock management, but the other point Sneaky raised was about the signs asking owners to light up their roofs.

We agreed, after some discussion, that we should leave those signs where they are, as the roofs being unlit is a current issue that needs to be fixed.


Zen Farm Tower

Last meeting, Developaws was given permission to work on the Slime and Tree farm under the Zen Farm Tower.

The work on the other farms and the stairs down to them was unapproved, however, and we'd like to remind all players that changes around Zen require permission from at least three Zedkins, with the exception of the original builder making changes to their build.

It was agreed that Dev should stop her work on the farm tower main until she approves her designs with two other Zedkins - preferably one of the original builders (Dogzack123 or The1Shaw).



A New Zedkin

To alleviate that note, we'd like to announce a new honorary Zedkin!

Voted in by popular demand (Mellori bribed Wolf into it with cobble and Treis with Susy's cuteness), Susy will be a very hard working Zedkin.

In fact, I don't think I've ever seen Susy log off. Now that's dedication!


Tedwick Zime

After several pokes and beard tugs, Zedwick startled awake and blurted out "Of course! Soon!"

When asked if he'd like to do the announcements, he straightened his beard and stepped forward:

UHC Sunday the 8th of July

6pm BST

Buildathon Sunday the 29th of July

4pm to 9pm BST

Dungeon Dash

The new class contest will be closing soon, with the winner announced. Keep an eye out!


Well, that's all from this issue of Zedkin Seconds.

Mell would like to point out that she hasn't had this much fun since the time he watched Sir Cobbleton Esquire rescue his camp-blocks from a Hazardous Pit of Smelons with only a....

Well, you get the idea.