
Zedling Council Meeting 2018-12-15

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Revision as of 21:57, 19 December 2018 by Memery (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<small>Small text</small>==Attendance== ===Council Members Present=== *Zedwick *LadyBountiful *SooprJ (scribe) *KhasOrn *Spectatre (host) *Dax23333 *SneakySkeleton *ThatNurd *...")

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Small text==Attendance==

Council Members Present

  • Zedwick
  • LadyBountiful
  • SooprJ (scribe)
  • KhasOrn
  • Spectatre (host)
  • Dax23333
  • SneakySkeleton
  • ThatNurd
  • ABParadigm


  • Memery

No Apologies

  • Forseth


  • Raysun
  • AlyCatMeow
  • Texam
  • TheRoadRunner36
  • Boffinbox
  • Ellvie
  • Calzah
  • iWolfyyy

We began our meeting inside the head of a giant octopus, hosted by the lovely Spectatre, who was wearing an elaborate disguise that I almost mistook her for the real Santa. As people started to arrive, our attention was focused on Zedwick, who had somehow managed to make himself about half a block shorter than everyone in order to fit into his chair. This greatly concerned everyone, and was even proposed as our first topic, but Zed convinced us he was fine.
As we started getting our seats, it became apparent that we were scribeless. Memery was missing, Spectatre was hosting, and ABP said he had to make dinner while the meeting was happening (probably baking more pies). And so, my hands shaking only slightly (for I am the bravest Lapis Lazuli out there), I stepped forward and offered my services. It was quickly agreed upon, and I became the scribe.


Topic 1: Topic 1- Zedworks Wiki is Borked - Spectatre

This topic was handled with great speed and efficiency, as it was settled before the meeting even began. While we were all speculating how Zedwick had made himself shorter, Spectatre raised the issue that the Zedwiki is apparently down. Zed told us not to be alarmed, it was not permanent. Apparently That site had received an unusual amount of traffic recently and the servers decided to take a break from working. So, instead of letting the Wiki and the forums go to sleep, Zed decided to temporarily shut down the Wiki to save the forum. What a guy.

Topic 2: Pride Haven - AlyCatMeow

As Spec passed the microphone to AlyCatMeow for her topic, I noticed a drowny boi sneaking up on our meeting. So, like any hero, I sprang into action, launching into the water and slicing him with my sword before even realizing I had forgotten to put my armour back on. My foe vanquished, I returned to the octopus, where Aly was just beginning to share information about her new town for the LGBT community, Pride Haven.

Pride Haven is inspired by the LGBT shrine in Forest Hills. According to Aly, members of the LGBT community and their allies are welcome to build there. Her only build rule is to build as fabulous as you possibly can. If you wish to visit, Pride Haven is at the end of the West Border Tunnel, down a rainbow tunnel. Look forward to seeing you all there tomorrow!

Topic 3: Nether Tree Farm - Spectatre

Spectatre became the speaker once again, and used her red name to tell us about a brand-new farm that CrazyElliot has been building in the Nether. It will have trees, wool, and more! He would love feedback about it, so if you want to visit, take a boat down the South Border Tunnel, and go all the way to the end.

Topic 4: Secret Santa! Woohoo! - Raysun

Raysun gave a surprise topic at this point! He is running the Secret Santa event for LVS! He has made a post on the General Discourse on the forum (Here), and you can reply there or message him in game to be included! He will receive participants till 18 of December, then on the 19th he will distribute names to everybody! It will be a soopr fun way to give presents and have fun with your fellow Zedlings!

Announcementz/Next Meeting

At this point, our fearless leader, Zedwick, stepped up to make his announcements. A hush fell over us as we waited on the edge of our seats in anticipation. Here they are:

Tomorrow, there will be a Christmas dinner on our sister server, Zurvival! We will get to sit and eat with our friend and, according to Zed, we will get to see him and LadyB cook! The dinner will be at 8PM GMT, so be there!

Next week on Sunday the 23rd, Zedwick is hosting a Build-a-Snowman buildathon! The event will start at 12PM and end at 9PM the following day. Plenty of time to build a snowman!

There will also be a casual buildathon on December 25th for those who have some extra time on Christmas! I don’t have the details regarding time or topic, but it sounds like a lot of fun!

And on Sunday the 30th there will be a regularly-scheduled buildathon!

With that, Zed closed his announcements and we prepared to move to Nominations.


As for now, my post is over. There were no nominations this week. The next meeting will be on December 29th, 8PM GMT. It will be hosted by ABParadigm. I look forward to seeing you all there! Have a soopr fun day! -SooprJ (the Sooprest of J’s)