
Zedling Council Meeting 2019-06-01

From Zedwiki

Revision as of 23:44, 1 June 2019 by Aravero (Talk | contribs)


Council Members Present

  • Zedwick
  • LadyBountiful
  • Spectatre (host)
  • SneakySkeleton
  • Memery
  • Pettmol
  • KhasOrn
  • Dax23333
  • Aravero (scribe)
  • ABParadigm


  • Memery
  • Forseth

No Apologies

  • SooprJ
  • Soviet_Pingu
  • AlyCatMeow


  • ZeroOhm
  • Palvair (aka PurpleTurtle)



1.14? (KhasOrn)

At least 1.14.3, and that only tentatively

ZvZ (Dax)

Dax the Dashing DemiGod of Dungeons announced work has resumed on ZvZ (Zedling vs Zedling) which will be a PvP death match arena? Or was it map? Testing to commence immediately after meeting. Zed and AB promised there would be lots of pointy things and lots of poking with said pointy things.


Casual Buildathon : DENIED
Zed says we cannot have the regularly scheduled Casual Buildathon on June 30, because he doesn't wanna play. He's not gonna let anyone else use his build arena either. Playground news sources say Zed is a big selfish meanie. Other playground news sources say "Hush! He'll drop an anvil on you! A big glass apple shaped anvil."

Zedwick's Birthday Party-Playdate-Palooza : June 30, 2019, 4pm-9pm BST
Zed would like to invite everyone to join him for a ZestyGames romp to celebrate his birthday. He promises to play every ZestyGame that isn't broken right alongside all of his minions. In addition to that, there will be a free hosting weekend for all ZestyGames.

Nominations/Next Meeting

ZeroOhm was streaming and his voice was muted, so while he couldn't talk they nominated him for Council and voted him in. Zero found his voice just in time to declare "I can put them in my cat tree!" The council accepted this as a promise to host next meeting. I suppose this means the invasion mentioned in the May 18 meeting has been postponed due to weather.