
Zedling Council Meeting 2019-12-14

From Zedwiki

Revision as of 02:59, 15 December 2019 by Spectatre (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Attendance== ===Council Members Present=== *Zedwick *LadyBountiful *SneakySkeleton *Forseth *Spectatre *ABParadigm *KhasOrn *AlyCatMeow *SooprJ ===Apologies=== *Dax23333 *Me...")

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Council Members Present

  • Zedwick
  • LadyBountiful
  • SneakySkeleton
  • Forseth
  • Spectatre
  • ABParadigm
  • KhasOrn
  • AlyCatMeow
  • SooprJ


  • Dax23333
  • Memery
  • MasterBoy269
  • babybop224

No Apologies

  • Dave5400
  • sweetevil39 (removed from council)


  • MJGames21
  • Timoteey
  • Eximas

The meeting took place on a large outdoor table. The phantoms took the invitation and tried to eat us a lot. Outdoor meeting halls are pretty, but would be a sounder strategy if meetings didn't last multiple sleepless nights, any of us were slightly better bow-shots, or people hadn't voted for these forsaken murderbats two years ago.


1: Elderz

These Elders were older than when we last saw them, as this was the second attempt to bring this to vote, having agreed wording proposal. It was postponed last meeting due to lack of attendance. Agreed wording as follows: The five longest serving members (by order of the wiki page) present in the meeting form the Elders- they are empowered to maintain order, and are authorised to hand out strikes if there are violations of the code of conduct.

As the vote had been kicked down the road a few times, we moved to a vote relatively quickly - by 3 nays/1 aye/1 abstain, vote did not pass.
We discussed a little further to try and pin down what people's reservations were, given discussion in prior meetings would suggest agreement that the host has perhaps too much to do. It included queries on who should wield strike-power (Host, others, a single other, a combination), and if it is not the host, how that individual would be decided (given we struggle on occasion to get our host/scribe roles filled). In any event, with the vote not passing ABP moved us on to the next topic.

2: River Bend Mayor - Endorsements

The process started with a bit of confusion; a mix of ABP having forgotten the pertinent regulation and me only half-reading it, Luckily Sneaks was on hand with the powers of basic literacy escaping me to get us back on track. The candidates were put to the council for them to endorse - SooprJ and AlyCatMeow both received sufficient endorsements to proceed to the forum vote! The poll is up now [[clicky!] for everyone to cast their vote. Poll runs until the next meeting, when the new mayor will officially be appointed.

3: Tiny-Build Tour

The Tiny-Build Tour is back for its fourth stop! SooprJ is hosting a Build Challenge at the Christmas town set up for the Zedwork dinner! This has the advantage of currently being accessible through a warp at spawn- early bird gets the easy route!
The challenge: Build a Christmas cabin! (small/medium size)
The rules: Must include either a snowman or Christmas tree.
There aren't fixed plots (aim for a small/medium build size). Soops is going to put signs up to the general area to be building in - contest will run til January 1st. As will all TBT stops, there are goodies for joining and prizes for the snazziest cabins.
Further details (the same details as here copy/pasted, if I'm being honest) in the forum thread - [CLICKY]

4: AFKat

Continuing our series of announcements, Aly is moving to a new city (woo!), but now has all the nonsense that goes along with moving (boo!) which means she'll have less time for minecraft nonsense.
She wanted to let us know she'll be less active in the interim, so we don't worry/think she'd gotten stuck in a tree. ;D [small]see what I did there. [/small]

4: Christmas Dinner!

The Zedwork Christmas dinner is TOMORROW! 6pm GMT , where you are all cordially invited (and ZZ slightly less cordially invited) to attend as a big ol' chow down for the festive season. There is a warp at spawn which you can take right now!
There's been all sorts of contributions to this community project, with lots of people making all sorts of festive stuff - ice rink, gingerbread house, noodle cart, a dock, three ships, animals, SO many cats, flashing christmas tree, stripey christmas sign, christmas cottage, and the all-important Dinner Hall where we and ZZ will be dining on lovely guardian-cooked meals.
There's a secret santa and a skin contest going on, so you got a day to put your name in that hat. On the night, there's a talent show, fireworks, and again, lovely food. Hope to see you all there!

Z: ednouncements

1.15 news - 1.15 is out, yes, but to the surprise of no-one who was on the server when we updated to 1.13 or 1.14, Mojang in their 'bug fix' update haven't fixed the catastrophic world-update bugs that would be very bad if we gained. So, Zed's holding off, at least til they once again squish the world-destroying bug from 1.14 that has again reared its head.
Christmas Dinner - December 15th, 6pm GMT. Zed and LadyB have got their cookbooks out and promise that the meal won't be burned to a crisp like last time
Christmas Casual Buildathon - December 25th, Middayish GMT - some time after that
Casual Buildathon - December 29th, 4pm-9pm GMT - theme TBC!
Zed also asked how we were finding the daily Christmas advancement gifts - there's a little gift to be had for every day you log in to Zedwork this festive season, made up of equal parts nostalgia and cheesy puns. Personal favourite is 'why do you build me up' - a piece of scaffolding that will get that song stuck in your head!
He also mentioned that ZestyLand is running 1.15! He, Lady and Sneaks have snuck on and set up the starting area a bit, and only accidentally murdered a handful of bees. It's now open, so go take a look!

Nominations/Next Meeting

There were no nominations, and as our next meeting will be the last of the year, and the decade, ABParadigm successfully lobbied Zed to run things as host. See you in two weeks!