
Zedkins 28-03-20

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[Zz] Zedkins Zeconds 28-03-2020

Scribe: Mellorian ~ See Forum Minutes

SnookerZedkins2.png Seconds used. Guess too?

Attended: Excused: Absent:


Wiki Formatting

Having recently implemented a more visual strike system (which is anything, really, since it wasn't visual before), we decided to expand upon it somewhat, adding in a new symbol (/) for Zedkins that have attended one meeting towards having a strike removed.

We also decided a legend would be good for those new to the fancy visual strikes.

I shall be adding them in after this seconds is posted.


Rise of ZODDwick, the Destroyer of Znow

As always, Zen cropped up as a topic, and along with it cropped up several new plants.

Spring is in the air, and Zen has received some seasonal decor!

Mellorian had some queries to put forth about the Christmas Buildathon area, since we seem to mainly use it for just that, and if we should just keep it as is, rather than redecorating every year.

After talking to himself for a few moments, he scrapped the idea and then was somehow anointed ZODD (Zen Official Director of Decoration).

We're unsure of his plans at this current time, but rumour has it an army is being amassed, and snow shall suffer the consequences.


We'll Nether Update, Again!

Another glance into the upcoming update led to some discussion on how we plan to handle our current nether when it hits.

The general thought seemed to be that most players wouldn't mind a full nether reset, though are also for a semi-reset - where anything past 3-4k blocks is reset for the update, and a similar regen script to the End is put in place.

Other players feel a full reset might be "Eh".

Another thing discussed was perhaps restricting the nether to Zedlings only, similar to what Lvs has for their hubs.

This would prevent new players, come 1.16, joining and heading straight for the nether, only to leave once having staked a claim (metaphorically, claims aren't in the nether) and not returning, thus restricting the total area of the nether available to build in, or it's resources.

We said it would perhaps be best to have this available as an option, but to hold off enforcing it until we encounter issues with Zookies in the Nether (which coincidentally is my new album name).


Zedaroo, Talkaroo Two plus Onearoo!

After reciting a chilling tale, which was far too spooky to relay here, Zed announced that there shall be a buildathon the day after the meeting!

Casual Buildathon

29th of March, 2020

4pm - 9pm BST

He also announced the new Plotzy server which has opened in the hub!

A fantastic place for testing out new, or old, builds, redstone and contraptions!

With world edit, and the ability to /trust friends to help you build, it's a great place to experiment.


The next meeting is on the 11th of April, 8pm BST!