
Zedkins 08-06-19

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[Zz] Zedkins Zeconds 08-06-2019

Scribe: Jasmyn01 ~ See Forum Minutes

I am ashamed to have joined Zz at 8.20pm, to find no one but Zed and Lady online. They were incredibly sad to find that no Zedkins had showed up, so they created their very own zedkin. "Pushy the obnoxious machine".

Naturally, they nominated Pushy to become a true Zedkin, but being the law abiding ruler Zedwick is, he checked the rules to find we needed 5 Zedlings online to vote. Elcestrus was online which meant we needed only one more Zedling.

Luckily, to save the day, a wild ABParadigm came out of nowhere (totally of his own free will, I 100% did NOT coerce him...). Thankfully he understood the glory of Pushy and with that, Pushy became the newest member of the Zedkins!

Oh, also my own Zedkin status was also reinstated.

So now that we had 2 Zedkins present, Lady and Zed, and some guests watching through the windows, it was time to begin the meeting. There were no topics so it was straight onto the announcements!


Screenshot 95.png

The casual buildathon that was scheduled for the 30th of June has been cancelled! The reason why, is that Zed "doesn't wanna", and the secondary reason is that, "It's his birthday".

A new law was then passed:

"If you are online whether I (Zedwick) am online or not, you shall play zesty games to celebrate my birthday"

That's right! From the 28th of June to the 1st of July it is Zed's birthday! And because of this, all zesty games will be free for that duration.

You heard me right, all zesty games will be free to play for anyone from the 28th of June to the 1st of July!

That was all for the announcements.

Shortly after the announcements were made the "guests" broke into the zedkins hall as they had finally realised that there was in fact no door. Vitgone bravely saved us from the attack.

As punishment for attracting the phantoms, Pushy lured me in with the promise of higher FPS and then trapped me... sadly Vitgone was also tricked.

Lady and Zed just stood outside, watching us and laughing at our predicament.

Screenshot 99.png

Snick then came on way too late! Just as the meeting had ended. What great timing. Being Snickaaman, he insulted me and then insulted Zed, saying that his birthday party was "too long", to which Zedwick replied:

"It is law."

"You will have fun.''

And that was that.

Dogz and LeFozzy also arrived late. They must have got the meeting times confused, for future reference the meeting starts at 8pm, not 9pm.

The next meeting is the 22nd of June 2019 at 8pm. Be there or Pushy will punish you!