
Zedkins 25-04-2020

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[Zz] Zedkins Zeconds 25-04-2020

Scribe: Mellorian ~ See Forum Minutes

SnookerZedkins.png This looks familiar...

Attended: Excused: Absent:
Zedwick Williamsietam
LadyBountiful Nysroch


Zen Is Here

Zen exists still. That is all.


Hide & Seek

The Wednesday before the meeting, Lvs hosted a Hide and Seek event in Dax2333333333333333333's mesa base.

Naturally, SneakySkeleton won, and we decided that Zz should also hold an event of some kind.

Mell promised to talk to Mattacus and Greatdane, whom had both recently designed and created an Arena for pvp, in the aptly named Arena region.


Zedaroo, Talkaroo, Quadfeed

Good News! (As always)

Casual Buildathon

29th of March, 2020

4pm - 9pm BST

Chat colours will be numerous, come 1.16, and Zed wanted our opinions on how we could incorporate that into our server.

The general feeling was that it could be cool for announcements and such, but we wouldn't want it to affect player chat itself.

We also discussed custom fonts, which would require a server wide resource pack - similar to the one used for Dungeon Dash.

This would also open the way for little unique changes Zed could make for the server, if implemented.

We agreed it would be neat to test it on Zestyland and make an informed decision.

Finally, Dogzack mentioned the !nearestpost command, of which he had recently sent Zed some code to look over for implementing it.

Zed promised it would be "looked into" "soon".


The next meeting is on the 9th of May, 8pm BST!