
Zedkins 23-05-2020

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[Zz] Zedkins Seconds 23-05-2020

Scribe: Mellorian ~ See Forum Minutes

SnookerZedkins.png Before have we been here.

Attended: Excused: Absent:
Zedwick Treiskaideka


Our meeting started with Lala attempting to force feed Zed a carrot through his feet, apparently mistaking him for a butterfly.

Dogzack then joined, but found himself far out in the End, on a phone hotspot. We saw no way this could possibly go wrong.

Finally, after Zedwick announced that Mellorian was opprobrious, we got on with the meeting.

Zen, as usual!

We quickly confirmed that Zen is still here, and has not in fact been whisked away by some unforeseen magic.

At least, we were fairly certain...

Also, HDLD has new stock in his stall at the market!


Latest Seconds

We discussed adding a list notice for the latest Zedkin Seconds, so that players could easily keep up to date.

After passing the idea around, we settled on making a redirect page, so that the list notice wouldn't need to be updated often.

You can also check the forums, here!



Wednesdays have been host to events from both servers over the past few weeks, so we queried on what event we should do this coming week.

We tossed around a hide and seek event, but settled on doing some Zestygames if no suitable area was found.


1.16 in Zen

Some ideas were mentioned on what could be good to have in Zen, related to 1.16, and a Piglin Bartering area was encouraged.

Mellorian suggested we call it the "Piglic Puglin".

A moment of silence passed, and then Zed took over before it could get more strange.


Zed Saves Us From Awkwardness

It didn't work, and we were quickly discussing when cobblestone first appeared in the world.

Casual Buildathon! Sunday the 31st of May - 4pm to 9pm BST!

Apparently the theme is "BYOH", which I can only assume means Bring your own Hat.


We quickly adjourned, before anything could fall from the sky.