
Zedling Council Meeting 2016-03-12

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Originally posted on the forums.



Council Members Present

  • Zedwick (Hosting)
  • LadyBountiful
  • Dax23333
  • Khas0rn
  • SneakySkeleton
  • DarthDuck84
  • LoneBit
  • Haztec
  • Etho_
  • _Skyhorse
  • Forseth


  • OneEyedTurtle
  • ScarySpider


  • EarthCow
  • ThatNurd


Forest Hills Mayorship (Forseth)

With the original Forest Hills mayors DannyC96 and Memery playing a bit more regularly, Forseth asked if the council had any interest in re-electing them. After some discussion, it was decided that Forseth should continue on as permanent mayor of Forest Hills.

End Shops (Dax23333)

Dax has shop spaces planned in the End Farm. The council voted that there first will be a common area where players can claim a chest to sell their goods. If the player continues to do good business, they may open a shop in one of the areas Dax has marked out.

Dax' Dungeon Crawl (Dax23333)

Dax has been working on a new Zesty game! It is a fast-paced capture the flag game with strong PVE elements!

End Reset (Zedwick)

The Main Island and End Gateways will not be reset. The council voted that land 2048 blocks away from the center would be reset monthly, and Zed will add a command that will let you know when you're in reset territory. Zed is looking into possibly having new generation of the reset land so that they will be different every time, and will give everyone fair warning before resetting the area.

Hub Locator Command (HOMINIX)

I proposed a command that would tell you which hub or warp is closest to you at any given time. This would help people optimally set up their tunnels, and would hopefully prevent future messiness and tangling of tunnels. Zed said he would look into it.

Tower of Trades Elytra Platform (rutgerzx)

Rutgerzx proposed that the Tower of Trades at the Market could also be used as a platform for gliding Elytras. Rutgerzx asked for a warp to the top of the tower from the lobby of the tower, but as a staunch enemy of fun, Zed proposed a ladder or other conventional form of transportation up.

Zesty Game Ideas (Zedwick)

Zedwick asked the council and spectators for more ideas for future Zesty games. Elytra PVP, Chess, Spleef, Battleship, Pacman and Tower Defense were all suggested.

Lost Item Retrieval Hall (__Laurens__)

Laurens has built several password protected chests that will be used for storing lost items found by Zriends (blue named players). These are located below the Tower of Trades in the Market. Learn more here: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1987


Welcome, dracoh_12 to the council! :D

Next Meeting Host
