Zedling Council Meeting 2015-06-20
From Zedwiki
Originally posted on the forums.
Council Members Present
- __Laurens__
- OneEyedTurtle
- Zedwick
- SneakySkeleton
- echosong421
- LadyBountiful
- Dax23333
- BengalBoi
- Forseth
- GEMINI7099
- haggisboy69
- Werble23
- BigBuilderAl
- IProBlanchard
- Memery(2) <- Maybe wrong
- Ecauzey(3)
- ScarySpider(1)
- lilweeph(1)
- DannyC96(1)
Sneaky talked about the Ex.Hills hub, and the Main Hub, and how they could be expanded/rebuilt (Main Hub is being expanded, not rebuilt) Sneaky proposed to rebuild the Ex. Hills hub, and expand the Main HUB into a secret area most ddon't get to see ;)Both proposals were given the go-ahead, and will start soon. Donation chests will be set up, the location of them is still to be decided, and when they are placed, I will post the location of the chests on this topic. There will also be a hub roof design (for main hub) contest (Link: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1559) Stables will be built in the new area of the hub, as a few players would like to see some places to keep horses.
Banning System
Dax raised the topic of bans, and how a lot of friends playing together get banned for doing nothing wrong. solutions such as expanding the time the player is in jail, or have a message in chat were discussed, but the result was that Zed is going to take all of the feedback on board, and work on a new rule-breaking player's experience.
Ray's Topics
Ray_0 asked the council opinion on having warps to the towns of Murica, and Town-Ville (I think).The vote for this was to not have warps to the towns. Ray also suggested having ink sacs ban-protected due to their rarity, and have a spawn-in squid farm. Both of these quid ideas are not to go ahead, due to either being non-vanilla, or too hard to set up.
Custom Death Messages
The topic of having custom death messages was discussed. It is being thought about, and will be discussed on a forum thread.
New Warp
Will open soon!
Next Meeting Host
Next meeting is on 4th of July, hosted by OneEyedTurtle, and 8PM British Time.