Zedling Council Meeting 2020-07-25
From Zedwiki
Council Members Present
- Zedwick
- LadyBountiful
- Dax23333
- iij2000x
- MasterBoy269
- KhasOrn
- Memery
- SneakySkeleton
- Spectatre
- ABParadigm
- Forseth
- SooprJ
No Apologies
- BengalBoi
- MinusTrash [Removed from Council]
- TunableYapper
- ArthasDeservedIt
- Oleomonnu
Tonight's meeting was hosted in hellscape! a hip and happening town recently established in the 1.16 update!
Hellscape is Awesome
The very own mayor of Hellscape, Dax23333, reminded everyone of the amazing town and its many opportunities. MasterBoy269 has also added that he is planning on building a nether castle! cant wait! we're on the edge of our seats!
Oleomonnu Invisibility Appreciation
We discuss many positives to the potion, such as hiding from mobs and making it easier to raid bastions. nothing more of note :P.
Zednouncements/Next meeting
'Great news everyone! casual Buildathon! starting 4PM BST ending 9PM!' We certainly cant wait to see the theme!
Casual Buildathon - 26th July, 4pm-9pm GMT, theme TBC
ArthasDeservedIt will be hosting the next meeting, 08/08/2020 8PM BST
- ArthasDeservedIt
- KhasOrn
2 people has volunteered to join the council!
KhasOrn has asked to join because he wants an extra seat for what he clams to be a big butt (but we all know thats just being dummy thick)
ArthasDeservedIt has been accepted into the council! Yay! New friend!