
Zedling Council Meeting 2020-04-04

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Revision as of 21:39, 22 August 2020 by Mellori (Talk | contribs) (Category)

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Council Members Present

  • Zedwick
  • LadyBountiful
  • Dax23333
  • MasterBoy269
  • iij2000x
  • Forseth
  • MasterBoy269
  • SooprJ
  • Timoteey
  • Memery
  • ABParadigm
  • Spectatre
  • KhasOrn
  • babybop224
  • SneakySkeleton

No Apologies



  • Mellorian
  • Mellorian
  • SamStorey
  • DannyC96

We milled around spawn for a great deal of time, watching ABP drop an anvil repeatedly on himself as some kind of super-deep metaphor for beurocracy. Then Zed turned up and we went to Tjob's dome, where each night we were treated to an airshow of dozens of phantoms outside the glass roof!


Cake or Update?

As we waited for a topic, Khas asked the group their opinions on vanilla vs chocolate. With one vote apiece, the score remained unsettled as MasterBoy asked about a replacement for a replayment mod. After Zed explained that was also being updated, there was much delight!

2 Tiny Build 2 Furious

Spec put out an open call for more locations for the Tiny Build Tour!. Soopr put his River-Bend-Mayoral hat into the ring, so hopefully watch this space! :D

T33 H33 H33

Any recent visitors to spawn will have heard tell of 'Tee Hee Hee', a merry fellow who left barrles of goodies hidden in nooks and crannies about spawn, leaving only a mysterious lectern explaining what had happened, signed only with 36 pages or so of laughter.
Another mystery lectern was present at the the meeting, revealing that the mystery chortler was among us! They challenged us to vote for who they suspected to be the friendly jester.
Many laughable accusations were thrown about the place, but after the first round of voting, results were:
One vote:
Two votes:
Three votes:

As there was not a clear victor, Zed turned it into a run-off between Spectatre, Mellori and iij2000x. iij and Spec's vote counts stayed the same, while Mellori's increased to seven. Zed then announced that only two of us were right and iij2000x was revealed as Tee Hee! (We would all make terrible detectives)
Everyone shared their congratulations on the wholesome prank. Some players then revealed their shock that they had not guessed correctly, as they had unwittingly assisted in the tomfoolery. We all then tee hee hee'd into chat. Good clean fun :D I hope this doesn't mean we're in a cult now(though it would be a fun cult)((tee hee hee))

Nominations/Next Meeting

DannyC96 and SamStorey were voted into the council. There was a bit of confusion over the process - remember folks, in the new system a player wanting to join the council asks the host directly to be put to a vote - players don't nominate other players. Then each player asking to be on the council is voted on, in turn. Check the super-fun, not-at-all-esoteric regulations for more regulatory fun :D

The next meeting will be -Oop wait Zed has things to say:


Zed locked the doors before announcing the new server available - Plotzy is a creative mode building server open to zedlings and above! You can access it by using /leave to go to the lobby, then going through the oak log portal!
Mellori of house Cobble has put together a book to help you with worldedit commands, which you can access by typing /library on the plotzy server.
You can also take a peek at what everyone else is trying out too :D

Next Casual Buildathon will be on April 26th, 4pm-9pm BST Bring yourselves and your creative flair, theme TBC

Next Meeting

Next Meeting will be hosted by DannyC96 in two weeks time! :D