
Zedling Council Meeting 2017-06-03

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Council Notes 2017/06/03


Spectatre (Host) Dax23333 (Notes) Zedwick LadyBountiful Swayed_Light ABParadigm ElixirLuv Aravero


drbwen SneakySkeleton Forseth Memery ACERPROPSY EmpressBethany

No Aplogies From:

HOMINIX FunkyTechnician


Dungeon Dash Progress Update

Since the last test lots of progress has been made, although there likely won't be more tests for a while. Large amounts of things are being changed from feedback from the first tests, changes you'll almost certainly notice. Including some extra special custom mobs.

Shulker Box Spaces In Market

Suggested to have places in the market to place shulker boxes. Instructions on the current shulker box placement machines was not clear enough so people seeing them did not understand the use of them. It was decided that Dax23333 will make the signage clearer on the machines to provide a proper explanation, and also build some in nether hubs so people can use thier boxes there too.

Mines of Mul'gore Recruitment Drive

The Mines of Mul'gore is wanting to be finished and Haztec is recruiting builders to complete the project. He will make a post on the forum to do this.

Doing Up Spawn

Haggis suggested that the area around the old spawn (the square full of golems on the way to the market) be prettied up. He has already done a very nice build next to LadyBountifuls garden just down the hill from there. LadyBountiful will speak to Zedwick about this and report back next meeting.

Guardian Announcement

UHC4 will be happening on Sunday the 11th at 6pm BST. The next build off will be on Sunday 25th June 4pm BST until 9pm BST. Both these events will be joined as zestygames like before.


Apparantly 1.12 will be released on Wednesday the 7th! Unless it is delayed again of course, as it was meant to be released on Friday the 2nd but that never happened. LVS will update, and Zedwick wishes to see everyone online to crash poor little LVS.


Haztec was voted into the council, congratulations! He will host the next meeting.