
Zedling Council Meeting 2018-10-20

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Council Members Present

  • Zedwick
  • LadyBountiful
  • Forseth (host)
  • Aravero
  • Dax23333
  • KhasOrn
  • ThatNurd
  • Spectatre (scribe)


  • SneakySkeleton
  • Memery
  • SooprJ
  • ABParadigm
  • tim1996


  • kokhi625
  • AlyCatMeow
  • Stefuus


People were very anxious to get the meeting started on time, and we probably would have managed it except for the first time I can recall, we had more than one people wanting to host! Very unlike the council tradition of playing a round of 'patience chicken', waiting to see who breaks and offers to host first.
This is our first meeting since 1.13 landed gloriously onto the server, so maybe this is a sign of things to come! But hopefully not, because in the 20 minutes it took to decide, spawn was set upon by phantoms. Luckily, Dax and Ara set off a-slaying while Zed found out that his 1.12.1 warps had fallen casualty in the upgrade. Luckily, by that point a host was decided and the meeting hall was walking distance, so while Zed got into the codes with his spanner and hammer, we all sauntered across and waited for him. Then he still wasn't done, so we started without him.

Ender Ender Ended? - Oneseth/kokhi625

After the update people realised the ender farm wasn't working very well! While it was originally thought this was due to explorers sucking up the mob cap dashing about the place, it became clear something was a-breaking on the end ceiling, and kokhi raised it with the council. Luckily, a day or so before Dax23333 and ABParadigm had gone up to look, and found that the pathfinding of endermen must've changed slightly, as they now couldn't work out how to walk around slabs. These blocks were changed to solid blocks, and the fix was done. Hooray! Thank you Dax and ABP for fulfilling our bloodlust. Enderlust? Murderlust. Whatever it is; we like to kill things with ruthless efficiency, whether they benefit us or not (looking at you, people who have murdered baby rabbits)

1.13.1, done.13.done - Twoseth

We've updated to 1.13.1! Threeseth wanted to highlight the major effort Zed went through to get the server back once again to the Latest Version, ensuring that he avoided those pesky bugs Mojang had left in like 'I have fish, but half my town is gone' or 'I have a trident, but my chest has exploded'. It was at this point that Zed, either having fixed the warp problem or given up on it for now, appeared at the meeting, smiling politely at everyone being nice to him. He perhaps forgot that not an hour before most of the council were getting 8-ball to say libelous things about the state of his beard. Ah, the agony and ecstasy of running a server, and owning a beard.

A Hill to Mayor on - Fourseth

The Forest Hills saga continues! Two weeks ago we posted a thread inviting interested parties to throw their hat in the ring to be the new mayor of Forest Hills, and we snagged three people for consideration. They were asked to say a few words about themselves, and they said a lot of words about themselves instead. It's good that all the candidates are so interested and passionate about the warp, especially as we're gonna need some of those words to fill up the Forest Hills wiki page, currently standing at one sentence long - ara pointing out that one sentence shouldn't be a problem at all, given the small essays they'd thrown into chat.
Council then privately endorsed candidates, leading to all three being nominated! They have now been put into a public poll on the forums - see what they have to say about themselves, and cast your votes HERE. Zedlings and zesties and zriends (oh my!) can vote; the winner will be announced and officially appointed as mayor at the next council meeting.

Victory Lag - Fiveseth/kokhi625

kokhi raised that some of the zestygames were laggy, especially Spleef at the victory stage. Zed explained that spleef was set to set off ten fireworks after the victor was announced, which was too many fireworks (especially given they're standing on highly meltable snow). This has been reduced. There were concerns that other zestygames were a laggy - zed's going to keep this in mind but is not sure what more he's able to do. Dax also raised the point that a lot of the zestygames are in 1.12.2 or earlier, which may contribute to the lag.
I myself had a lot of 1.13 lag in zestygames, until I got optifine - worth a shot if you haven't updated already!

Challenges! - Zed

Zed's been working flat out for weeks getting 1.13.1 landed safely, and apparently really liked the cripppling workload, so he has something else in the pipeline for us! Inspired by, and in conjunction with Sixseth's Insomnia challenge - see how long you can stay alive without sleeping!
Zed's idea is to use !calc to allow players to combine multiple stats, and create their own challenge. The stats will form the 'score' for players that join a challenge, that will be available on a leaderboard.

At this point I had no idea what anyone was really on about, so asked for an example. Zed gave !calc stat('custom.play_one_minute')/20/60/60 - this would calculate your play-time in hours. So anyone who joined in zed's 'hours played' challenge would see where they stacked up on the leaderboard.

There will be four different challenge 'modes':

  • Total - stats since players joined the server
  • Life - stats since the start of the challenge, but they reset if you die
  • Awake - stats since you joined the challenge, but they reset if you die or get out of bed
  • Challenge - stats earned during the challenge

This is a work-in-progress that zed is working on, but the aim is for anyone to be able to set up their own challenges for other players to join using a !challenge command. Once it's in beta phase Zed will be looking to test it out, and make a little manual for people so they can use it. In the meantime, he would love some feedback. What do you think about this idea? What's your idea for a challenge - you can find a list of the custom.stats HERE. Kill:death ratio for zombies? How many cobble did you pick up today? How far have you ridden on a pig compared to how many hoppers you've looked at? Get your brains a-churning and let zed know your thoughts!

Announcementz/Next Meeting

Buildathon! - Sunday October 28, 4pm-9pm GMT.

  • The clocks change in the UK on this day, so note we're now in GMT. Check the clock at the top of the forums page to be sure you know when you are.

UHC - Sunday 11th November, 6pm GMT

Halloween Event- Tuesday October 30, 8pm GMT

  • ABP's Spooktacular!

There were no nominations, and ThatNurd volunteered to host the next meeting. See you all in two weeks!