
Zedling Council Meeting 2018-05-19

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Revision as of 21:55, 22 August 2020 by Spectatre (Talk | contribs) (Notes category)

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Host: Alan the Fishy
Scribe: Memery the no longer bogged down with so much uni work, woooooooo!!!


Council Members Present

  • Zedwick
  • LadyBountiful
  • ABParadigm
  • Memery
  • KhasOrn
  • Aravero
  • EliasRipley
  • Dax23333
  • Spectatre
  • tim1996
  • Forseth


  • SneakySkeleton
  • Sooprj

No Apologies

  • EarthCow
  • _Swayed_


  • Haztec
  • _Skyhorse
  • BenClass150

This meeting was held in the beautiful, albeit slightly smelly, FISH BASEMENT (Insert euphemism here). Once again I am giving points for some fantastic seats. We have come a long way indeed.


I - Regulation change to Regulation 21 - Memery (Me)

Yes, it’s me again, raising questions about our beloved council regulations that I’m sure by now everyone has memorized. While looking up information about how one should apologise when missing a council meeting, I notice that nowhere actually stated that an apology should be posted on the pre-meeting agenda. Some things clearly just evolve over time and are never written down anywhere. The closest thing available was regulation 21, which previously stated "An apology must be stated clearly on the forums in general discourse." This implies that an apology can be stated in any general discourse forum thread. I proposed that the regulation should be altered to instead read “An apology must be stated clearly on the forum 'pre-meeting agenda' thread, specific to the meeting you wish to apologise for. If no pre-meeting agenda exists, apologies can be posted in the "Zedling council" thread found here: Zelda

The rest of the council present seemed content with the changes I had proposed. Ara felt the section referring to a contingency if no pre-meeting agenda existed was unnecessary because all the scribes are so perfect and would never forget to post a pre-meeting, but it was decided that it was best left in to be on the safe side. You know, in case Alan ever forgets…

II - Announcing the council notes / Council Crier - ABParadigm

Alan spoke on behalf of Elias’ topic that related to creating a new way to announce and link to the Zedling council’s notes. Many people pointed out that there is already a link at the beginning of every pre-meeting thread. More importantly, does anyone read these notes? I mean other than when Spec writes them…

After some more discussion about how LVS players were more astute and “in touch” with the Wiki. Zed suggested that he could update the current “Zedling council” thread in general discourse Linky McLinkface to better display where to find the notes to previous meetings and other sections of the Zedling Council wiki. He also gave an indication that he would look into revamping the !wiki commands for use in-game, if anyone felt a sudden impulse for bureaucracy

III - Forest hills revamp - _Skyhorse

Proud, Forest Hills dweller, (And sufferer of ‘Terrible Connection Syndrome’ Skyhorse took the speaker role to express his dismay at the state of the forest hills warp. He informed the council about how some of the builds there were no in-keeping with the warps medieval aesthetic. Ara implored that she likes the warp towns as they are. Each warp is unique and shows the history of Zedwork and how far it has come in its nearly 5 years of operating. Myself and Forseth then pointed out that there was never meant to be a style with Forest Hills. One of the main issues raised however was that the main warp building is meant to have a roof! I, including some others, assumed it was meant to be some sort of abbey or open-air theatre, and I like it how it is, to be honest.

The topic went on for some time longer, we do like to have a good natter when we get together, don’t we? The issues of who has the right to say who can build what where and so on went on for a while. Khas eventually caught everyone’s attention by expressing his desires to renovate/finish the warp. Sensing a 4hr meeting, I requested that he should post his ideas for the warp on next meetings pre-agenda, CLICK MY FACE, to be discussed at the next meeting. Alan then summarised this by saying this topic should be moved to the pre-meeting agenda, what a fantastic and original idea Alan...

IV - Elias wants to get us all addicted to gambling? - EliasRipley

Elias wants to get us all addicted to gambling? Announcing that he would be starting a Zedwork lottery system, he would keep us posted with ideas and other information over the weeks to come while the lottery system and method were being finalised. I imagine the base concept will be that everyone buys a ticket and one winner takes all. We will bring you more on this story as it develops.


Wow what an emotional meeting! It’s time we all had some good news:
The next casual build-off will be held on the 27th of May so don't forget to mark it in your calendar and bring your musings along with you
The next BIG UHC will be help on the 10th Of June. After the last, slightly more empty than usual, UHC, will Spec be able to hold onto her blood-soaked crown? I can't wait to find out!

Post-scripts/Nominations/Next Meeting

There were no nominations this meeting, Spectatre kindly offered to host next meeting (meaning you'll have to endure either myself of Alan's notes im sorry) which will be in 2 weeks. See you then!