
Zedling Council Meeting 2018-09-08

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Council Members Present

  • Zedwick
  • LadyBountiful (in spirit)
  • Forseth (Host)
  • Aravero
  • Spectatre - (Scribe)
  • KhasOrn


  • ABParadigm
  • Dax23333
  • Memery
  • SooprJ
  • tim1996

No Apologies

  • SneakySkeleton


  • __M
  • BenClass150
  • ThatNurd


I - Where's your wiki at? - Forseth (For Memery)

This topic came from the forums (yaaay), where Memery wanted to encourage more use of the zedwork wiki, especially by council members. He is offering a staggering three diamonds to anyone who creates and publishes a page of their own!

Several players already have their own pages (EXAMPLES), as well as pages about specific player towns, builds, general server lore; from the informative to the incredibly weird, the wiki has it all.

Not sure how to format on the wiki? Give Mem a shout, and he'll help you out. I probably can too, but try to avoid getting extra work because of ideas Mem has, so be a dear and try him first!

II - KhasOrn lost his phonebook and wants to borrow yours - Everyone

(Forseth gets credit for this title and also for managing to get a conclusion to this topic)

You ever see the movie Primer? It involves time travel. But it is not like 12 Monkeys, where the year is stated prior to each new scene beginning, or Inception, where each different time is in a totally different setting, so it is very easy to work out where people are. Primer holds no hands, mollys no coddles - you can either follow it, or you don't. Most attempts at plotting the timeline look like spaghetti. It makes for a great film. Not so much what you want out of meeting notes. This topic went everywhere before just about coming back to itself, before trying to go everywhere again. What was a simple topic came with a quagmire discussion desperately also wanting an invite to the party. Below is my attempt to sort the spaghetti strands into something more coherent, to chronicle the conclusion of Khas's sisyphean effort to get us to finally defeat our greatest rival: Indecision. For his thing, anyway.

Part A: Khas wants to build The Thing

As first mentioned months ago, Khas is trying to build an embassy for his LVS Pro Masons within Forest Hills. He wanted to use the current site of an unused farm, originally built by MsKizz. He, through Ratitoy had received permission in chat to demolish this farm from Kizz. Wanting to dot all his i's, Khas had been trying to contact Kizz to ask her to confirm this on the forums, so there would be objective proof his actions were appropriately sanctioned. He has been unsuccessful in contacting Kizz for this. Kizz also being warp mayor, his recourse, unluckily for him, is council bureaucracy

In deference to the effort he has put trying to rubber stamp this, Council wanted Khas to be able to move forward, though there was some disagreement on who needed to give final assent: council, or the guardians. Zed explained that removal of other player builds goes through the guardian, but at the request of whoever is looking after the town - be that mayor, caretaker (Part C) or council.

Deciding that Forest Hills doesn't have a mayor (Part B), Council asked Zed to go look at the build after the meeting, but Zed suggested that if we looked at the build right here right now, we could put this to bed. One road trip later, it was explained Forest Hills has established rules that all builds may be removed/modified by the mayor (in this case, council acting as mayor), so if council agreed, Zedwick would agree. We all agreed. Ara as blue volunteered to demolish the build, after which point Khas gets to build the thing. Yay team.

Part B: The Forest Hills are alive with the sound of no-one in the mayor office

About two minutes after Khas introduced his 'can I build this one thing' topic, Zed diverted us into the quagmire: If a mayor of a warp town goes inactive, what happens to the warp? Who steps in to resolve issues if the mayor has not been playing for some time?

Regulation 14 states that "Warp towns will be reviewed at each council meeting to check that the mayors are active, and hear new of their progress. Temporary or replacement mayors may be appointed if mayors become inactive". While the warp town reviews quickly fell out of use, Zed's assertion was that the rest of the regulation should still stand. His wish is that that council be more pro-active in removing inactive mayors of warp towns.

What constitutes an inactive mayor? When should council retire a mayor if they go inactive? If a warp town has no mayor, who decides on queries for that warp - council, temporary mayor, caretaker? What does a caretaker do anyway? (part C)

Though it was decided in prior meetings that warp downs do not necessarily need a mayor, as Forest Hills still has an active warp in spawn, Zed wants it to have more active management. As Kizz has not been online for several months, it was put to a vote to remove her has mayor of Forest Hills. This vote passed. Further discussion on how to deal with inactive mayors/what now becomes of Forest Hills was passed to the forum for further discussion

Part C: Caretaker? I 'ardly knew 'er!

Last November, having allowed Dax to retire as mayor of Swamp, there was a discussion on what to do about the then two inactive warp towns (Swamp/Jungle), both mayor-less. As it was decided inactive warp towns didn't need a mayor, but rather someone to look after them a lil' bit, the role of 'caretaker' was created. Currently the caretaker looks after two of the three inactive warp towns - the 3rd, Extreme Hills, is still controlled by Mayor SneakySkeleton, at his request.

In this meeting the caretaker was brought up as a potential option to sort out Forest Hills. It was sort of agreed that a town couldn't have both a mayor and a caretaker, and also sort of agreed that a town with a warp at spawn shouldn't be classed as 'inactive', so Forest Hills is not automatically under caretaker purview.

That said, no-one (apart from me, the caretaker) was particularly sure what a caretaker did, or what warps the caretaker looked after. There was also discussion on whether the caretaker was a single person for all warps requiring the taking of care, or a role that multiple players could have. It was felt the role could use further explanation, to better define its responsibilities, use and scope of authority. This was also passed to the forums for further discussion.

Announcements - Zedwick

UHC - 9th September, 6pm BST
Buildathon! - September 30th, 4pm-9pm BST. Theme TBA on the day

Nominations/Next Meeting

ThatNurd was nominated and successfully elected back to the council! He generously agreed to host the next meeting, which will be in two weeks!