
Zedling Council Meeting 2020-08-22

From Zedwiki

Revision as of 22:32, 22 August 2020 by Spectatre (Talk | contribs) (Notes, innit)

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Council Members Present

  • Zedwick
  • LadyBountiful (in spirit)
  • SneakySkeleton
  • Dax2333
  • Forseth
  • Spectatre (scribin')
  • iij2000x (hostin')


  • Memery
  • ABParadigm
  • SooprJ
  • MasterBoy269

No Apologies

  • KhasOrn
  • ArthasDeservedIt


  • DarthDuck84
  • Mellorian

Surprisingly missing his partner in hosty-crime, iij ran the meeting from his beautiful outdoor area, thankfully still furnished not only with iij's skills of phantom murder, but also Candy, the cat ABP brought along last time to scare off the murder bats :D


Scriber? I ardly knew er! - Spectatre

Spec and Mem have been doing some wiki magic, creating the Council Scribe and Council Host pages - these go into handy detail on what a council member would need to do at a meeting if they took up either of these roles. The Zedling Council page has also been neatened up with fancy formatting. Go take a peek :D
Zed suggested more of fancier formatting, which was done. Mell and Spec then did even more fancy stuff, recategorising the Notes to make the LVS category neater.
Spec also gave a shoutout to Mell for their work porting all the old notes from the forum to the wiki. All the wiki fun!

Beginner Farm? I ardly knew er farm! - DarthDuck84

DarthDuck has continued to do a sterling effort improving the beginner farm at spawn - the tree farm has been relocated upstairs for ease of acces with a restructured space and stations for axes/tools. There's also a meeting hall! Future improvements will be further animals for the animal farm, and areas for food related items.
Donations of resources are welcome, speak to Darth about it if you have anything to help out.
With the hotel, Darth raised concerns that there were a few spaces taken up by inactive players. Zed gave him permission to box up and safely store items for any hotel resident who hasn't been on in >3 months, to free up space for new people looking for shelter. Darth has been dutifully keeping a record of all of this, for he is a pragmatic duck.

The Hoe bounty? I ardly knew err...hoe...bounty? - Mellorian

shh it still works
The results of the Great Hoe Bounty were revealed by Mellorian! The netherite population has been seriously dedicated down to manageable populations once more. Scores on the doors as below:
Memery - 4 hoes
Spectatre - 4 hoes
Forseth - 1 hoes

All participants were given a netherite hoe as a participation prize, and Mem and Spec split the glorious diamond prize. :D


Casual Buildathon - August 30th, 4pm-9pm BST

Nominations/Next Meeting

DarthDuck84 was nominated into the Council, and successfully avoided physical contact when we all tried to hug him in greeting. He nonetheless agreed to host at the new beginner farm meeting hall. See you there in two weeks!