
Zedling Council Meeting 2020-10-03

From Zedwiki

Revision as of 22:39, 3 October 2020 by Abparadigm (Talk | contribs)


Council Members Present

  • Zedwick
  • LadyBountiful
  • Dax23333 (host)
  • Memery
  • ABParadigm (scribe)
  • Spectatre
  • iij2000x
  • MasterBoy269
  • SneakySkeleton


  • Darthduck84
  • Forseth

No Apologies

  • KhasOrn
  • SooprJ
  • ArthasDeservedIt


  • Mellorian
  • TheMrPayne
  • Dave5400

With the sound of the one-and-only Hellscape Ghast Quartet playing as majestic background noise, we bandaged up our ears and started the meeting, confident that this would be a smooth one.


Spawn Additions and Maintenance - MasterBoy269

Masterboy started us off with a rare breed of topic, one that started off on the pre-agenda. This came with an entire topic of its own, which will be linked at the bottom of this topic. LadyB started us off by reiterating that there were not many buildings at spawn that are run-down, as this topic portrayed. Supposedly spawn itself is not the main problem, it is builds that are visible from spawn. Upon further discussion it was generally agreed that spawn itself, which is defined by acacia paths, looks beautiful and needs no further additions. That being said, griefers frequently come in and break blocks, and as a result some locations are meant to be lawns, rather than crowded with builds. Talk about griefing ensured; talk about what new players grief, why, and how. LadyB suggested that if you see something off, like a broken glass pane, that if you can find the time and resources that you should replace it. LadyB said the glass blocks on the shrine are the most valuable, as they are broken the most. In addition, do not remodal, modify, or remove current builds without Zed or LadyB's permission! If you have any further questions about spawn maintenance, please ask LadyB directly, as she is the one to talk to about how you can help with spawn.

Link to topic, located here:

ACE(r) Announcement - ACERPROSPY

Acer had some good news and bad news to share with us. Next week Acer is going to be sworn in as an attorney! Congratulations Acer and we wish you the best in your new job! Sadly with that news, Acer also had to officially resign on the council, and officially invoked regulation 9. You will be missed, but we're happy for you moving up in the world!

Regulation Organization with Industrialization and Automation of Information - MasterBoy269

MasterBoy269 came at us again with a topic for re-organizing the Zedwiki, mostly pertaining to the numerical ordering of certain topics. This was done quickly, with Memery, Spectatre, and Mellorian agreeing to help with this.
We then descended into madness about the new Minecraft announcements - how the glow squid won, how zooming is cheating, and how the next update is a caving update. Clearly we don't need the glow squid to be hypnotized though, because everyone is already crazy enough.

Announcements - Zedwick

Casual Buildathon on October 25th, 2020 @ 4:00 PM GMT - 9:00 PM GMT! Zed says we'll even have access to world edit this time!

Nominations/Next Meeting

Nobody was nominated into the council, and ABP was thrust into hosting the next meeting by Dax. See you all in two weeks!