
Zedkins 26-09-2020

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[Zz] Zedkins Seconds 29-08-2020

Scribe: Mellorian ~ See Forum Minutes


I've seen this one before!

Attended: Excused: Absent:
Zedwick Treiskaideka
LadyBountiful Dogzack123


A Topic That Will Drag-on

Dragon eggs! Everyone wants one! Well, to hold... for the advancement! But also for table lamps!

We spent a little while discussing whether Dragon Eggs should be made more available, since a few players managed to nab one or several for themselves, back when a nasty bug made one drop each time a dragon was killed.

There were several ideas for how they could be renewable, but not much decision on whether they should be <insert Jeff Goldblum meme>

Ultimately we decided that the priority here was letting people gain the advancement, whether that be using the communal egg in the Zen Meeting Hall, or through some Zed magic. For now, players may ask a Zedkin, or attend a meeting, to be given the egg to hold.


A Very Duck Filled Buildoff

DarthDuck84, from our sister server of LVS, has been running a buildoff for a beginner hotel - for their spawn town.

It runs until the 26th of October, and takes place on Plotzy! Be sure to check out the forum post!


Good News!

A definitely Smooth Stone buildathon will be happening on the 27th of September, from 4pm to 9pm BST!

These seconds are totally on time and the buildathon totally wasn't hijacked by Mellorian and made into the Cobble Buildathon.