
Zedling Council Meeting 2020-10-31

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Revision as of 02:32, 1 November 2020 by Spectatre (Talk | contribs) (III)

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Council Members Present

  • Zedwick
  • LadyB
  • Dax23333
  • Spectatre (Scribe)
  • SooprJ (Host)
  • iij2000x
  • DarthDuck84
  • Mellorian


  • ABParadigm
  • Forseth
  • Memery

No Apologies

  • SneakySkeleton
  • KhasOrn
  • Masterboy269


  • AE7_ARDA
  • xCrazyElliotx
  • Dave5400


Beards and Ghouls of every age,

Wouldn't you like to see something strange?

Read along; let's do the thing-

Our fortnightly council meeting!


It was Halloween!

It was Halloween!

Mell took us all for a spooky ride,

A haunted house; a missing family

Mysteries and mazes inside!

In their home, called Dolour

Visit this weekend for a spooky encore!

In that place, called ZZ

/visit Dolour to solve the mystery!


DungeonDash - the game that you know and love

the Zesty dungeoncrawler and it's challenge thereof

Find the secrets that are hiding within

Prizes up for grabs that'll make you grin!

In this game, called DD

Bring along your friends to make history!

You can host with a zesty name

(Free to host next weekend - have fun in-game!)


Tiny Build Tour, hiding under your bed

Every so often it rears its head

Challenging you to make a tiny build

Touring the server to flaunt your skills

Hellscape! Filled with demons and ghouls

Build them a small shack; them's the rules

All entries receive a prize

You have one month - aim for the tiny skies!

(In a thread - info soon

Signs of where to go by the afternoon!)

All sorted in advance

Not just in the meeting, not a chance


Many players built a hotel

Only one could win, but all did well

Now's the time to build the thing!

(Also time to stop the sing

:D Happy Halloween folks! (the above monstrosity very loosely based on THIS spooky song, Iapologisefornothing.gif


The winner of the hotel build-off has been announced on the forums! CLICKY Congratulations again to everyone who took part - some lovely buildings all around.

Darth is looking for help from the server to get the building materials together. The food area of the beginner farm has a chest where you can donate materials! The winning design is available on Plotzy (do /lobby and then walk through the wooden portal!) so you can see what's needed.

The old hotel will remain until all the building supplies are gathered - then we'll have a nice celebration, saying goodbye to the old hotel that has served our zookies very well over the years and give it a nice sendoff (maybe with some TNT? :D) (but respectfully) (a respectful amount of TNT) (spec want boom)

Watch this space for further news! :D


CrazyElliot brought up a discussion about the account migrations to Microsoft. Unlike previous migrations, this one is required - you'll get an email when you need to do the thing. But, once you've done the thing, you get a special cape. One that everyone else will have. Ain't no party like a Microsoft party cause a Microsoft party is MANDATORY >D

That said, this may improve account security a bit; Mojang has struggled with account hacks, where Microsoft will have more robust systems in place. However, RIP to the people who have had their account long enough that they no longer have access to the email they set it up with. No cape 4 u </3


This weekend - Dolour region will keep its spookiness for spooky weekend, so anyone who missed the event can try and solve the mystery of what befell the house and its inhabitants! Head on over to ZZ, /visitregion Dolour - read the lecterns to unravel the story!
Next weekend - DungeonDash will go to free hosting next weekend, so any player can use /zestygames to start their own game up. Up to four can play in the same game, so bring some folk along! You can try and uncover the secrets, try and beat the speedrun record (currently set at 21:05), or just have fun on Minecrafts first and best dungeoncrawler :D
29th November, 5pm-9pm - Casual Buildathon. Get yo build on, in a casual way!

Nominations/Next Meeting

AE7_ARDA (the once and future TheMrPayne) was nominated into the council, and agreed to host the next meeting! See you in two weeks :D