
Hide and Seek - Auroluto

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The inaugural Hide and Seek Championship was an event hosted on LVS on April 22nd 2020.

As part of the weekly Wednesday events, Dax23333 suggested an epic hide and seek match at one of his bases at an LVS council meeting. The Council were immediately excited at the idea, with the invitation also being extended to any and all members of sister server ZZ.

The system was simple - one player was be selected at random to be the first seeker. All other players given ONE 3 minute invisibility potion to use to provide stealth while hiding. At 'go', all hiders drank their potions and scarpered off to hide somewhere within the grounds - once the potion wore off, the seeker was set off to find whoever they could. If a hider was found, they joined the seeker, with the game progressing until all were found. An extra wrinkle of difficulty was thrown in with large areas of the grounds not being mob-proofed, so considerations had to be made that mobs wouldn't point you out before the seeker could!
As a nod to DungeonDash, there were also three Stonefaces hidden amongst the grounds that seekers could try and locate for extra winnings.

First seeker - Forseth
Found order - Memery, Haztec, Dax23333, EarthCow, BengalBoi, MendedDuck, Spectatre, iij2000x, MasterBoy269, DarthDuck84, Mellorian, Zedwick
Not found - SneakySkeleton. Living up to his name, Sneaky eluded every single seeker, even after giving multiple clues to help narrow the search. Upon revealing his hiding spot, it turned out several of the seekers had been incredibly close to him, with Dax even walking over his head, without actually catching sight of him within some redstone.
A picture snapped of Sneaky after his win. Don't worry, this isn't his hiding spot - we didn't not see him standing next to a crafting table

Best Hiding Place - SneakySkeleton, as he was not found! Grand Prize: The Vehicle of Christopher Patrick Cobble - a young cobble wanting to see the world.
Best Seeker - Forseth, for most players found. Prize: 16 Furnace Autosmelter 3D Jigsaw, and the luck needed to assemble it
Most Dangerous Hiding Place - iij2000x, who was killed by a zombie minutes into the start of the game. Prize: Suspicious Stew Collection. iij was allowed to re-hide, placing 6th overall
Most creative hiding spot - Zedwick, who lay in some seagrass with a camouflaged skin- brown for the environment, Mem's face in the hopes of not being identified. He came second, also eluding capture for a significant length of time after all others were found. Prize: a box of spash invisibility potions.
Finder of the Rumble Stoneface - Mellorian. Prize: Products of Legitimate Business
Finder of the Cobble Stoneface - Mellorianon brand Prize: A box of Crispy Cobble +2DB..
Finder of the Dwayne Stoneface - Memery (during the giving out of prizes). Prize: 26 individually named poisonous potatoes