
Hide and Seek - Lief Region

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Hide and Seek - Lief Region was an event hosted on ZZ on November 25th 2020.

After the revival of the Wednesday events and following the success of the event at Crowfound Manor on LVS, Jasmyn agreed to host her own hide and seek championship on ZZ, converting the existing lovely region in less than a week to the HideNSeek region for the event!
Top: As everyone gathered for the group show, we realised Jas was afk on the opposite site of the meeting hall. Luckily Mell came armed with his trusty fishing rod, luring Jas into shot so we could get the group selfie done (Bottom).
Some early birds helped with a few last minute touches, and soon 12 players from across LVS and ZZ came for the event, and everyone was quickly given an invisibility potion and a Seeker's Hat.
As before, the rules are simple - one person would be picked at random to be the first seeker, and everyone else would drink an invisibility potion and scarper off to hide. Once the potion wore off, the seeker would have to try and find players, wherever they had hidden within the region boundary. Once some one had been found, they donned their seeker's hat and joined in the search for other hiders. The game progressed until everyone was found.
There were also some bonus tasks of trying to locate certain deaths that would also have prizes. In addition there was some eccentric lore about the region - scattered about the place were signs with fragments of lyrics to the song 'Under Pressure' - the remnants of a wholesome prank where Mell made an entire path around the region out of pressure plates (with the OG crafting recipe!) with all the lyrics placed on signs, to try and encourage Jas to visit the area more often. With time many of the signs withered away, though one remains in front of Jas' house - "The terror of knowing". o_o

First Seeker: OGBen_
Found order: Memery, Dave5400, Zedwick, Dax23333, Spectatre, MasterBoy269, TheEndDragon, iij2000x, Mellorian, TheMrPayne, Jasmyn01

Turning her fortunes from the previous event where she was found first in both rounds, Jas used her knowledge of the area to find a crafty hiding spot. She was eventually located in a tiny crevice behind a waterfall - a place the majority of players had walked past unawares. Graciously Jas took herself out of contention as host, Leaving Payne as the winner of the round.

First Seeker: MasterBoy
Found order: Dax23333, iij2000x, Jasmyn01, OGBen_, Memery, TheMrPayne, Dave5400, Zedwick, Spectatre, TheEndDragon, Mellorian

Dax and iij attempted to copy Mell's round-one bamboozle where he hid within the starting area - sadly Masterboy noticed them both immediately. Memery also came to minor grief as a sitting glitch caused him to warp back to the start point with only seconds to spare, meaning he had to make a mad dash back to the spot he shared with Payne. When he was found by Masterboy, Mem then claimed location for Payne. Not very sporting; still very funny.
Not to be outdone, the Pumpking of Cobble Mellorian came up with an even more creative hiding spot - in the open, creeping around to the other side of his house if anyone got near. This strategy was good enough for first place, when two players happened upon the area from opposite directions. He also took himself out of contention, leaving Dragon as round two's winner!

Lovely prizes were handed out to commemorate the event, along with the statutory bragging rights
Last found, Round 1: TheMrPayne
Last found, Round 2: TheEndDragon
Death Prize: TheMrPayne (dying to lava)
Death Prize: Memery (dying to one of the many, many berry bushes)