
Zedkins 25-09-2021

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Revision as of 10:06, 26 September 2021 by Mellorian (Talk | contribs) (Mellorian moved page Zedkins 11-25-2021 to Zedkins 25-09-2021: Date correction)

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Art Contest

Our first topic was of the Art Contest that was held a few weeks ago

The entries we saw from Spec and Abby were wonderful, but we felt that further entries from other Zedlings were hampered by it being a contest, and that perhaps adjusting the thread to be about showcasing art would be a better way of garnering interest.

Making it into an Art Thread, where people go to show their artistic talents/screenshots could mean we can point people there in the future, during events and such that might spark creative ideas.

Lady mentioned there was previously an Art Thread on the forums, and we thought it could perhaps be neat to hark back to that one.


Resource Dimension

Lvs has been outshining us in the explosion/instability category lately, what with their resource dimension entering the apocalypse!

Well we'd show them what for! After the meeting we all headed out in the resource dimension, to a mysterious ruin that housed six ominous pressure plates. 12 feet later, and what do you know? Explosions and raining cobble!

Long story short, Zz's Resource Dimension will be resetting by next Saturday, so be sure to grab all your things, preferable before the Apocalypse gets into full swing!

The chaos will be ramping up each day, so be sure to head over for a nice family trip, I hear it's lovely.


We went on to talk about 1.18, and some of the speculated changes that the snapshot so far has brought, among which is a fancy world updater that allows new terrain to generate underneath old chunks, with the bedrock turning to mineable blocks.

We'll have to wait for all the info/bug fixes before making any decisions, but certainly some interesting and exciting things coming!


Tavern in Zen

Continuing on from last meeting's discussion, Arc and Abby mentioned their idea for a Tavern in Zen, which would serve as a nice get to together place, with fancy food and drink.

Lots of interest was shown, and a spot is already picked out, so this might be coming soon!


Zed Says Stuff

Good news!

The casual buildathon for this month is the day after this meeting!

The theme is "This is not a theme hint, Mell" - a very strange theme for sure.

So come on down from 4pm-9pm on Sunday the 26th of September, since this will be the last buildathon for a while due to....

Lvs Halloween Event!

Taking place on the 31st of October, which just so happens to be a Sunday, the builders of this fabulous event say it will be, er, fabulous!

I hear they're looking for designers to build some spooky decorations at some point nearer the time, so be sure to attend Lvs' meetings to find out more.


That's all for this meeting, stay safe, and don't fly into the cobble (or do, it tastes great)