
Zedkins 26-03-2022

From Zedwiki

Revision as of 23:17, 26 March 2022 by Darthduck84 (Talk | contribs) (Publishing meeting)

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Attending Excussed Not here

Darthduck84 Everyone else Zedwick

Topic: Futher Events planning for zz

Rumors has it that that some big events for zz is coming soon,

Hide and go seek is still a go set for sometime in the further- Hide and seek sometime soon, so prepare your invisibility cloaks and lets get hiding autumn Fair is set in motion sometime in the fall - zedwick talked about having a big fair in the fall/autumn' time we all veyr hyped for it!

vote party We all voted and supported zz it was a pretty good time

We all waited for a minute to see if any one else would appear but nope so the meeting went on

Further Events Part 2: revenge of Lvs -

We talked about events going on in lvs

Wall painting going on in beginner farm at LVS - Rumor has it that in lvs there is a big events at the beginner farm that is allowing people to put there own spines upon the lvs beginner farm wall for more info please see the forums link here

Then suddenly Duck had a huge brain dead moment and forgot what he was talking about and then the meeting went on as followed cause he forgot what he was talking about for some reason.

Zedwicks Very Not evil announcements - Zedwick announced that Zestyland skygrid is still open to all zesty, subscribers and is open to all Zedlings. ZestyLand is set to be open till the 8th of April.

Next meeting - Sat April 9th 8pm London time

It was at this point Duck forgot completely what he was doing and waddled away, he later come back and wrote this zedkins note.