
Zedkins 23-04-2022

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In tonight's Zedkins Duck told us about the wall decorating event going on over on LVS, we talked about potentially hosting a Hide & Seek event, and were taught highly accurate information about Asian culture.

4 Hat Zedkin's Banner


  • Zedwick
  • DarthDuck84
  • AbbyArtsketch
  • ArcThePirate

The Wall

An evil Duck told us of their great community event going on over on our sister server LVS.

every one is choosing a wall at the beginner farm and decorating them, we got many beautiful ones going on, the event ends next [Saturday] but if any one wants to decorate wall after that just ask.

Some materials have been provided, so all are welcome even if you don't usually play over on LVS.

Read more about it on the forums

Hide & Seek Event Planning

We've been talking about Hiding and/or Seeking the last few Zedkins meetings. We would like to find a place to host the event, and let Zedlings from across Zedwork hide and occasionally seek! Hide & Seek is a good opportunity to showcase player builds by letting players scramble all over them. Arc pointed out we should respect the privacy of players when selecting an area. When discussing possible finding an empty location to build a new Hide & Seek area (community build project!?), Zed suggested we could host it in a temporary event area within Zen. Holding it in a temporary area in Zen would mean the build would unfortunately be torn down eventually, but would mean we don't need to find an unclaimed spot by a region post.

Even if we don't use it for the Hide & Seek, setting up a dedicated event area in Zen could be useful for future event planning!

Zed Says Stuff

Good news!

Zed said he had nothing written down, so there was no news.

That is very good news indeed!

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on the 9th of May, 2022!