
Zedling Council Meeting 2022-09-17

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Revision as of 22:00, 17 September 2022 by Spectatre (Talk | contribs)

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Council Members Present

  • Zedwick
  • TheMrPayne
  • Spectatre
  • Darthduck84
  • Forseth
  • LadyBountiful (in spirit)
  • Dax23333 (in spirit)


  • ABParadigm
  • Memery

No Apologies

  • Neytan269
  • B_ddy
  • SneakySkeleton


Payne hosted us in the middle of a glorious desert labyrinth - "a project built under another project"


(excited wall noises) - DarthDuck

The wall decoration event is still ongoing! Our best quacker invites all to come down to the beginner farm to take a look at the fancy new walls and perhaps decorate some yourself! There are a fair few walls still available for decorating, including the areas near the farm and entrance which are also after a bit of artistic flair.
Even if you've already decorated a section, feel free to get decoratey on other available walls :D Lots of decorative blocks available but feel free to bring your own too- speak to Darth if you're unsure of where to go!

Resource Dimension - Forseth

The previous meeting the council was tasked to remind Zed that the resource dimension was going to get reset in two weeks. Now, two weeks after said request for reminding, Zed mentions that it was definitely something he remembered to do! He initially said the Resource Dimension will reset imminently, but there was a third act plot twist in the Zednouncements! Regardless, go team for the solid reminding skills, woooooo-

View Distance - Forseth

Another #throwbacktopic, Zed had tinkered with the view distance / vision in the nether, having done some tinkering. Has anyone noticed an appreciable difference?
Payne has noticed a small change! Forseth will do some recon post-meeting to doublecheck. Zed will await further feedback!

Loaded chunks - Forseth

There's some weird loaded chunks underneath y=0 in spawn that are messin with spawn rates! Forseth asked if Zed has fixed them. It's on the to-do list :D A little lower down, but present nonetheless. Forseth offered to assist in filling some of them in; Zed would appreciate some science being done to test, but he will be able to do /fill-ing when that area of the list is approached.
Following that Forsethy foray, Darth led us all in a glorious vote party, filling chat with yellow voting!


Some news! Having said the Resource Dimension will imminently reset, it won't, because reasons! 1.19 changes mean that a world has a set seed, so the resource dimension on resetting will generate the exact same world and terrain.
Zed and Dax have been tinkering around trying to find a solution to it, but it has eluded our brainy lads thus far. Continue to watch this resource-y space! It will still update ASAP

Next Meeting

Next meeting brings us into spooky month, so people mused on a potential Halloween event - perhaps a hide-and-seek event in an area infested with Wardens? Among-Us style task-doing while trying to avoid a crunching death? Whooooo knoooooows! Perhaps we will discover :o
In any event, Forseth agreed to host the next meeting, which'll be in two weeks!