
Zedling Council Meeting 2022-10-15

From Zedwiki

Revision as of 22:29, 15 October 2022 by Forseth (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Attendance== ===Council Members Present=== *Zedwick *Darthduck84 *Forseth (Scribe) *Neytan269 (host) *TheMrPayne ===Guests=== *FlexibleTangent ===Apologies=== *Dax23333 *...")

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Council Members Present

  • Zedwick
  • Darthduck84
  • Forseth (Scribe)
  • Neytan269 (host)
  • TheMrPayne


  • FlexibleTangent


  • Dax23333
  • Memery
  • Spectatre

No Apologies


Neytan held a meeting at his wonderful Bridgeburg.


Updates and Terrain Generation - TheMrPayne

A worried question about potential future added content and access to it on the server, and a friendly reminder to Zedwick to keep working on the resource dimension reset. Zedwick had this to say: "To be clear, when I say the resource dimension can no longer generate new unique seeds I did not mean it would not be able to generate new 1.20 and beyond terrain. The resource dimension can still get all the new content. It just can't change the terrain every time it resets as it always use the same world seed."
But lo and behold, there is good news! Zedwick continued: "Instead of generating a fresh seed, the resource dimension's warp post will instead travel the world! Every reset the world will be erased and the warp post will be generated in a new random location in the world Each Minecraft world is limited to 60 x 60 milion blocks, so there's plenty of land out there to explore."
So expect a newly reset Resource Dimension soon.

Spy Report - DarthDuck84

Darth gave us our biweekly report of his spies on ZZ. The latest rumor is that the ZZ meetings will have meeting once a month and start taking attendance again, so make sure to put your apologies in If you can't attend. Neytan suggested to build a Spy Prison, should a spy ever be discovered on LVS.

These Old Walls - DarthDuck84

DarthDuck84 reminded everyone that the event to decorate the boring old walls of the beginner farm will end December 1st, and that there are still some walls left to decorate. If you want to decorate a wall then come on down

Halloween? - DarthDuck84

Darth wondered if anyone had planned to organize an event on the server for Halloween. He was met with an eerie silence. Zedwick urged players who wants to hold any kind of event on Halloween to do so, as it is a fun tradition.

Vote party!

You know what to do! !vote


Good News, everyone!
The Resource Dimension shall reset within the week! No exact date though
There is also some maintenance to be planned as the host of Zedwork has told Zedwick of upcoming rising costs and he is working on ways to downscale and reduce costs.
Zedwick has also been busy and hasn't been able to work on Zesty Games as much as he wanted, but it is still being worked on.

Nominations/Next Meeting

DarthDuck84 will host the next meeting! See you in two weeks