
Zedling Council Meeting 2017-08-12

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Revision as of 23:31, 12 August 2017 by Spectatre (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Host: AmirTheTurtle/Memery/HOMINIX<br /> AmirTheTurtle, previously beleagured in his attempts to host due to the server collapsing entirely, had his own computer thwart him, m...")

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Host: AmirTheTurtle/Memery/HOMINIX
AmirTheTurtle, previously beleagured in his attempts to host due to the server collapsing entirely, had his own computer thwart him, meaning he initially was hopelessly stuck in a blutopian tower for some of the time. Memery, anxious to get his democracy on, volunteered to run the endorsements while Amir tried to escape his lag cage. After Memery fled the scene, Amir was free, but his witty repartee sending five minutes after he sent it, so HOMINIX took the helm of the meeting.

Scribe: Spectatre. (Somewhat less dramatic given our multi-host evening, though I did completely forget to take attendance, so that which is written there is simply my best reckoning)


Council Members Present

  • Zedwick
  • LadyBountiful
  • Memery
  • Sneakyskeleton
  • Aravero
  • ABParadigm
  • Swayed_Light (BillTheAlbatross)
  • Spectatre
  • EmpressBethany
  • AmirTheTurtle
  • Haztec
  • FunkyTechnician
  • Spectatre


  • Dax23333
  • Forseth

No apologies

  • ElixirL
  • Tjob


  • Jams__
  • Quicunque
  • A bunch of other people, I remember you in spirit if not by name

Having volunteered to scribe some 40 minutes after the meeting started, you will be relieved to note, gentle reader, that to the envy of entmoots everywhere the meeting had not actually gotten anywhere practical:


I - Mayor X Endorsements

Today was the day of the Mayor X endorsements! Several plucky candidates threw their hat into the ring and Memery charged himself with secretly interrogating each councillor for their endorsement. (More details of how endorsing worked can be found here: Previous Meeting Notes
From this fray three players came out with the necessary rubberstamping to run in the official forum poll! They are Aravero, BillTheAlbatross and Haztec. The poll is currently live in the forum Click Here - get your democracy on and vote! Results will be made official at the next meeting.

II - Spooky Scary Swayed - BillTheAlbatross

The Albatross formerly known as Swayed_Light wants everyone to know that he is hosting the halloween event this year! It takes place on October 29th - "prepare your calendar and prepare to die".
Super-vague creepiness can be found HERE

III - Build-Offs - LadyBountiful

Another successful buildoff took place, with Haztec taking the crown this time.
Several councillors expressed a wish for the screenshots of player builds to be the top post of the 'build-off results' thread, with zed explaining that there was an anonymous zedling who was charged with taking pictures who we should blame. If memes are true at all, it was probably Dax.

In typical LVS fashion we then prevaricated on this subject for probably half an hour, with various suggestions regarding how to get build screenshots and how they could be arranged being thrown about the place, with several people volunteering to be the build-off photog if one was needed.

It was generally agreed that pictures of the build would be a good idea as everyone can stand to have a little ego-check about their own building ability every now and then and seeing build-off results is a good way to do that.

HOMINIX volunteered to curate the forum posts and screenshots for the time being. Zed also mentioned possibilities for the future in keeping the build-off server open for a little longer so folk can admire eachother's builds, but currently priority is saving the builds for judging.

IV - UH(2x3) - Zedwick

Tomorrow is the 6th UHC! It took everyone a while to work out which UHC it was, but it is the 6th! Even numbers are the current champion's kryptonite. Will he break the pattern and claim an even number victory? Will Mem or Etho manage to wrest the crown again from his grasp? Whoooo knoooows?
UH(2x3) is spec's cheesy title for this latest brawl, with IUALUM83 coming up with a friendly murdersome ditty: "come one come all to the 6th kill em all; UHC, it's not just for kids"

V - Newspapers - FunkyTechnician

Everyone at the meeting got a copy of an LVS newspaper detailing the meeting! Everyone thought it was pretty snazzy and informative, with general good vibes towards the possibility of more being made. There were concerns about putting a mailbox in the zookie stands, there was talk of it being safer in the nether hub but we quickly moved on, so we'll have to wait til the next paper gets published to find out whether it is going to be or not. Yaaay industry!

VI - Council Nomination - HOMINIX

Quicunque was nominated as member #20 of our prestigious council. We were so excited to get him that we almost didn't do a vote. Quic kindly agreed to host the next meeting, where we will see you all in two weeks!