
Zedkins 6/08/16

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[Zz] Zedkins Seconds 06/08/2016

Scribe: Chester1525 ~ See Forum Version

It has been awhile since I came on here to make a seconds, infact it is my second time posting a seconds!


First order of buisness that was taken care of was an unscripted one. There was talk about the possibility of changing many things such as:

should strikes on zedkins be more lenient? Should the meetings go back to every 2 weeks instead of every month? should we even count attendance when there are so few members participating in the Zedkins meetings?

All of these topics were quickly brushed of as "everything is fine the way it is for now." Except for "who will write the seconds?",and we all know who volunteered for that.

1 town is greater than 4

Our Director, Treisk, wanted to start with the beginning of points made in the pre-agenda, or the beginning? Dogz and Chester chimed in to say "1 > 4", so we started with discussion of what to do for a spawn town. This said town would be governed by Zedkins members and would allow the meetings to have something to consistently talk about. Triesk herself had questions that were answered:

what would we do with ghost builds?

Zedwick chimed in to state that inactive players, who have less than 20 hours of game time aka not Zedlings, on Zedwork would eventually have the blocks they placed automatically removed. then for any other claims you would need to ask a guardians permission to remove a building. Pretty much no one dare question the true ruler of Zedwork, and all of Zedkins skeletal crew were in agreement.

Building standards for the town?

Triesk ask for opinions on the idea of the town being divided into districts such as:

1. Show district for older players to make very fancy and unique building

2. Fresh spawn district that will essentially be free to build on for any newb player on Zedwork

3. Shopping district to sell goods

4. Farm district for goods and such to collect

No one was against these ideas so it seemed everyone would go along with this layout of the town. Although Zedwick did voice concerns of how new players will be told where they cannot build, but with little deliberations Zedwick and Triesk came to the conclusion that these "Fresh spawn towns/districts" would be moved to newer regions if they become overcrowded.

how far would the governing go?

It seems that talk of the previous questions made this question sit on the back burner, in due time we will see how "governed" this spawn town will be.

Names Names Names:

The next discussion that took place was what to name the new spawn town many were named such as:

Zedtopia, Zeetopia, Zedford, Zedburg, Metro, Zedvale, Kintopia, Zen, Zedcastle

Triesk latched onto Zen and decided that it should become a "working title" to the new spawn city region post.

Zedwick was correct to say that "the working title will totally become the title, you'll see."

The future of Zedkins:

There was discussion about emergency meetings, which everyone at the time for this meeting agreed would be allowed to happen and decisions could be made as long as 3 members were present regarding the spawn city rulings and not to do with official rules for Zedkins itself. Also strikes would not be incurred for missing these emergency meetings.

We need a Banner: Simply as the title says, we made banners and voted as to which one looked the best, and was the most neutral regarding pumpkins vs melons.

Note Regarding Picture:These are all the ones that did not make the cut, if you wish to which one made it go to the meeting hall in region pickaxe9.


Zedwork Wiki?!: Zedwick was kind enough to make a wiki for Zedwork for us to use, and post stuff on there such as lore about the server's history and other awesome stuff!


Treiskaideka (1st Director )

Chester1525 (2nd Director) (1st scribe for Zedkins Seconds)



The next meeting will be Saturday 03 September, 08:00 PM

Authors notes: And that is the end of it, until next time!

Copied to the Wiki by Mellori