
Zedkins 1/04/17

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[ZZ] Zedkins Seconds 2017.04.01

Scribe: dogzack123 ~ See Forum Version

All right! Another productive meeting.

LaLa and Chester couldn't make it. :( Hope to see you guys next time! Colossux didn't show up, and Sir_Overskill and CabbagePastor are still on break.

Shaw and I were on time, and Treis showed up (!) a little late.

Firstly, we discussed the world map project that Shaw and I have been working on since September. We're about 70% done, but I think we've both lost a little bit of motivation. It won't be done for this anniversary, but we can hope that it'll be done by the next one. :P

Next, we talked about the rulebooks and plugin guides. Zed says he is planning on writing a new plugin to distribute the plugin guides at more appropriate times, rather than just giving them out all at once. I rewrote the two books that we have right now, with better formatting and (hopefully) more clarity, as well as another guide on how to use the region posts. Zed said he plans on rewriting The Law of the Land again, however, since the language used in some of the guidelines is a bit... abrasive, I guess.

Next we moved on to Zen and the Game Fair. Pretty much everything we discussed about Zen got thrown out the window once Treis showed up (more down below), but Zed declared that the Zedkins will be taking control of the Game Fair from its previous owner, Comet_Tango, who hasn't been heard from in over a month. The rules and guide book there will be rewritten and we will hopefully have more people creating games there soon!

We also talked about the possibility of adding incentives to vote, which may increase Zedwork's popularity on the server lists. We came to the conclusion that most people don't intentionally not vote, they just forget. Zed has added a new message to display in chat every once in a while reminding people to vote for the server.

Zed also announced that he was reprogramming our PvP plugin, which has been the same since 2013. Rather than disallowing PvP during the day and allowing it at night, you will be able to toggle PvP on and off, as well as a temporary toggle based on shift-punching another player.

After that, Treis showed up and we started talking about Zen again. She expressed her concerns and all of the Zedkins agreed to help with the development of Zen. After the meeting officially ended, we went on planning for about two additional hours. We have established a Trello board to better communicate about Zen (pm Treis or Zed if you want to be involved with that).

Also, during our post-meeting meeting, Zed set up a Patreon page as an alternative to PayPal donations. You will still get all the perks that you have as a Zesty Subscriber if you donate through Patreon, and it might make it a little easier for Zed. He's still working out the kinks of how exactly it's going to work, but hopefully once it's well established it will make an easier option for those who want to be monthly donators.

We also touched on meeting more often (every 2 weeks), though nothing was formally decided. I'm going to say that we'll meet next on 2017.04.15 (at 8 GMT as per usual), but if anyone has a problem with that, we can certainly adjust.

Hope to see you all then!

Copied to the Wiki by Mellori