
Zedkins 13/05/17

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[Zz] Zedkins Seconds 13th May 2017

Scribe: Treiskaideka ~ See Forum Version

Present Zedkins Members:






excused Zedkins members:

Jasmyn01 (was watching through dogz)

Missing members:

chester1525 (4th strike)

Other present Zedlings (not complete):

rickard, SneakySkeleton, Brenpop345

With his 4th strike, chester is off the council, he may be voted in again, if he comes back.

New member

With a high majority of present Zedkings and all Zedkins, we voted Stigma into the council.

Name for the Game Fair (by dogzack)'

Dogz proposed to rename the game fair in the current region axe9 to "Carnival" . Noone had any objections. The game fair in the region to Zen will somehow be integrated into it, maybe connected by an underground railway.

Zen status report

Colossux' claims were deleted to make room

Rickard finished the first "example build" in district 4, a beautiful shop.

The majority of the community farm is up and running, but it's not finished yet.

The Zen office is almost done with the outer shell and the interior work will begin soon.

Zen Building Rules

We further formulated and summarized building rules for Zen. Those will be needed to put together for each district, due to their different style and height, as well as maximum claim size, so everyone has a fair portion and we'll end up with cohesive and nice looking neighborhoods.

The rules on underground use are the same everywhere, but there may be additional restrictions on single districts.

Furthermore, there are no "deathtraps" like deep falls ect allowed on any publicly accessible part of the property(in shops and outside/parts without doors) Preferably no such traps at all. And all plots should be well lit to prevent mobs from spawning and running free.


Do not build further out than your claim You can build up to y=17

y16 and under is part of the public mine and the depth restriction on claims is there to avoid possible conflicts.

District 1 (New Player District) Building Rules:

Height limit: y= 90

maximum claim size: 16 by 16 blocks, and no side longer than 16 blocks

Style: Most things are allowed, it should be some form of house, no giant cobble blocks ect.

District 4 (Harbor and Shop District)

Height limit: y= 80

Maximum claim size: 20x20 or equivalent, with no side being longer than 30 blocks

Style: Medieval Town

A sign with show owner's name and an overview about what they sell(for example "ent. books" , "Potions", "Wood" , "Nether Items" ect) in front of their shop

Stuff Zedwick said

Zedwick mentioned the UHC on the 14th and another Build Off on the 28th May (topic will be disclosed at the start). The Build Off will be open for 5 Hours and participants can connect and reconnect during that time, as they want.

The new Region Plugin is coming along, according to Zedwick.

The next Zedkins Meeting will be on 27th May at 8pm BST.

Copied to the Wiki by Mellori