
Zedkins 20/01/2018

From Zedwiki

[Zz] Zedkins Seconds 20/1/2018

Scribe: Mellori ~ See Forum Minutes

Henlo, and welcome to a special edition of the Zedkin Seconds!

Well, I say special edition... it's just like all the others, except your fortnightly subscription just went up another £5.

Gotta feed the children and buy the cobble! What do you mean, "I don't have any children!?"


A romantic occasion. Featuring, ABootParadigm.

In honour of this most special meeting, I have spent many a sleepless hour (fourteen minutes) devising a most apt and wondrous poem:

Roses are red.

Violets are kinda purple. Though I suppose they could be blue, given the right light.

Tbh, I'm kinda stuck on violets not being blue...

Maybe they were blue, but they got tired of being stereotyped in generic love poems, and so changed their colour?

Drat, I'm out of lines.

I knew that English book I glanced at, that one time, would pay off eventually!


People whom we tricked into thinking meetings would be a fun occasion:









Pfft, what fools.

Wait, why is my name there!?


Zen - Market House Blues

Things have been getting a little crowded down at the ol' Zen Market.

We've had some luck, stalling for time with hasty expansions, but the Zedkins have finally decided to correct this issue.

Lazy so and so's :L

Our first suggestion was to expedite the construction of the Harbour, which will be behind the current shopping district.

It was mentioned that, with the Christmas Event being cleared away, District 2 would also be open for expansion.

Being closer to the region post, any buildings in District 2 would need to take on a more modern theme, which

would allow for Zedlings wishing to set up a shop to have a choice between styles.

On a final note for this topic, it was noted that DaHunt's shop has been out of stock for a while now.

We've decided to give him until next meeting to stock it, else we'll have another meeting and decide to wait until

the next meeting to decide anything. We're efficient like that.


Zen - Pass the Seasoning

The Christmas Event trees were taken down in District 2, and any left over decorations were placed in the Zedkin Office Tower,

under the watchful eye of Carl. They are to be returned to their owners upon request.


The items to be returned

In terms with last meeting, the winter decorations will be staying up until the end of February.


Zen - Just a Troll Topic

Honestly, we just needed a bridge between the Zen topics and the rest, so I made this.

You're welcome.


LaLa's Announcement

In a shock to sticks and carrots everywhere, LalaRichter and Chester1525 - two long time players of Zedwork -

have got engaged! To each other, I should add. We hold Zed fully responsible for being the reason they met,

and shall file the law suits congratulations card at a later date.

It appears they have used this occasion to adopt Dogz. Or, at least, sit on him.


Hard to tell which, really.


Dax's Dashing Dungeon

In a show of all things handsome, Dungeon Dash has been brought back to your screens and, hopefully, hearts once more.

Dax would like to remind everyone that the prize of 12 Diamond Blocks still awaits the team who can reach the unknown

depths of the Dashinglyest of Dungeons with the fastest time! (On Lvs :s)

This open Beta closes around midday on Monday, so be sure to check it out!

I myself went for a solo run through those terrifying halls, and I can only say one thing...

Violets for sure aren't blue.


Night of the Living Zed

Not to be out fought by some frivolous fancies, Zed... frolicked up to the... floodlight and announced with far-spread fervour

that the Pocket BuildOff has been released, and is now hostable by Zesty Subscribers!

Here he paused to receive the applause and admiration from his many thousands of fans...

Mellori thought he heard someone snore, but promised not to tell anyone it was Shaw.

After his moment of glory, Zed went on to announce the upcoming events:

BuildOff Sunday the 28th of January, 4pm to 9pm GMT

A New Minigame Being release the following weekend

UHC Sunday the 11th of February, 6pm GMT

(Which also happens to be Mellori's Birthday, whom likes cobble)



Unfortunately, our fellow Zedkin Jasmyn has been unable to make the meetings, as of late, and so has received her fourth strike.

Though she has lost her Zedkin status, she remains the same person in our hearts.

Well, until she gets close enough for her hat layer to be visible :o

(Jaz now hates me, which is nothing new, I suppose :s)


A Dark Future

Yes, you read right. There's a Dark future ahead for the Zedkins.

Through a huge majority (Mellori might have voted no just to be different), and backed up by Lone,

DarkEndeavor has joined the Zedkins!

We are happy to have him, and feel he will be a great addition - once he has settled into the role.

Be sure to pester him with all your problems. He'll love it, honest.


Well, I suppose that's all the topics, and the special edition of the Zedkin Seconds is coming to a close.

At this point, the scribe feels he should mention that no carrots were hurt during the above proceedings.

He feels he should also mention that the plan to infiltrate the council of LVS has gone perfectly well,

and that we are learning more of their secret ways each day.

Soon, the Zedkins shall rise and... I dunno... join LVS?

No, that doesn't seem right...

Well, we'll know stuff, anyway. So yeah.
