Zedling Council Meeting 2019-02-23
From Zedwiki
Council Members Present
- Zedwick
- ABParadigm (scribe)
- LadyBountiful
- Spectatre
- Dax23333
- Aravero
- SneakySkeleton
- Dave5400 (host)
- Memery
- SooprJ
- Forseth
No Apologies
- KhasOrn
- Timoteeyy
- OkayPurple
- Etho_
- Reno8308
- A creeper that tried to out-sneak Sneaky
Our newest council member, Dave5400, graced us with a beautiful abbey build, equipped with scribe seats, zed seats, a podium, and a bunch of other, far less glamorous seats. Mem was in one of the latter, whilst I, the glorious scribe, sat down in a fancy cushioned seat, and proceeded to fall asleep... I mean take notes.
Mayor Check - ABParadigm
Per regulation 14 of the council, it was noted that the mayor of Hayfever Hills, Sneeze_Attack, had not been seen, within the past two meetings, and hence has triggered a new mayor election. For those unfamiliar, an election occurs as follows:
A post is put up on the forums for all who wish to run for mayor to say so.
The following meeting endorsements are held; two endorsements are required to move onto the election phase. A poll will go up on the forums following this.
The next meeting the winner of the poll is announced, and is announced as mayor.
Link to the first forums post, located here: https://zedwork.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3074
The Swamp Shack Challenge Round-up - Spectatre
Spectatre stole the microphone away from Dave, who was trying desperately to reign us in whilst talking about Zed's circus days, to let us all know the Swamp Shack Challenge has finished! Spectatre will post on the forums within the next few days to post results, and dole out prizes accordingly. Spectatre is also saying there will be another tiny build challenge, stay tuned next week when she tells us where it will be held!
- Aravero - River Bend Rules Change
Aravero had a quickie for us, letting us know that River Bend's rules have changed slightly, following a grief to them. This was quickly followed up by talk of illegal substances, and if Ara would admit that she has been ruling the dilly ring all along!
Announcementz - Zedwick the bearded lady
General News:
Zestyland will now be home to skygrid! This will be a 1.12.2 server, as 1.13.2 doesn't play nice with it. Skygrid will run for one month, starting on March 15th. This means that the old Zestyland world will be taken offline, but Zed does have plans to memorialize the world in some way. This will be discussed at a later date.
Zestygames news:
Zedwick started off by saying that Advancement Hunters is now live!
February 24th - Casual Buildathon - 4pm GMT - 9pm GMT - Be there, and be casual!
March 1st - March 4th - Free hosting of AdvancementHunters
March 8th - launch of brand-new minigame - GerroffMahBeard
On March 29th, the Sinister Science update to DungeonDash will land! It's up to you to find out what the cultists have been planning!
Nominations/Next Meeting
No one was nominated, but Memery vaulted himself onto the floor to take the spotlight... and volunteered to host the next meeting. What did you expect he would do?