
Zedling Council Meeting 2019-09-07

From Zedwiki


Council Members Present

  • Zedwick
  • LadyBountiful
  • Memery
  • Spectatre
  • Palvair
  • Dave5400
  • AlyCatMeow


  • Aravero
  • Forseth
  • Dax23333
  • SneakySkeleton
  • ABParadigm

No Apologies

  • sweetevil39
  • Timoteeyy
  • ZeroOhm
  • KhasOrn


  • babypop224


Topic 1: Black Cats - babybop

babybop's cats became black cats! They were ginger or grey and now they're all black and white! What's black and white and red all over? Not these cats; they're just black and white
Maybe it's a bug? Zed was unable to locate an explanation on the MC bug tracker. The solution arrived at was basically 'find more cats'.
This does explain how I have gained another black and white cat at my house. Doesn't explain why they won't obey me at all and permanently sits on one of my chests, but that's a story for another day (It's probably someone else's cat)

Topic 2: Aly has the reading bug and it's very irritating! AlyCatMeow

Another 1.14 bug! Pre-1.14 books and quills that have been written in cannot be edited in game. It causes MC to instantly crash. Oh dear.
Zed asked for an example. Aly tried to edit a book, and her game crashed. (Madness is repeating something and expecting different results)
When she returned, Zed asked for the book, tried editing it, and then his game crashed. Shocker.
Turns out it's a known bug on the mc tracker. Much like the above, not much to do but never read again, and hope Mojang will fix it in another update.

Announcementz/Next Meeting

-ZZ is updating to 1.14.4 on Monday, so there's some ZestyGames on freehost til Wednesday! Took you long enough chaps; were you zzleeping?~
-29th September - Casual Buildathon - 4pm BST - 9pm BST

No-one was nominated to council, and Palvair offered to host! See you all in two weeks!