Zedling Council Meeting 2022-01-08
From Zedwiki
Council Members Present
- Zedwick
- LadyBountiful
- Memery (Scribe)
- Forseth
- TheMrPayne (Host)
- iij2000x
- DarthDuck84
- ABParadigm
- Neytan269
- Spectatre
- Dax23333
No Apologies
MrPayne Hosted us at a beautiful location where we all sat on the fancy new bushes from 1.18. Dotted around the room was also some new dripleaf! Although MrPayne's initial location wasn't quite ready for all of us to see, this was still a nice place to be.
Spec's New deepslate ABBA caving event - TheMrPayne
Mr Payne brought to the attention of the council a plan from our stone-faced digging mistress to host a deepslate ABBA caving event (The winning takes it all). Spec/Payne told us to keep an eye on the forum as more details regarding the event will be announced on the forum very soon. I am excited to see what will come from this!
Zed started by welcoming us to the first meeting of 2022 and how pleased he was to see us all. I was pleased to see you too Zed!
Zed only had some notes for us this time around, firstly that all Zestygames are unavailable for the time being as they are still vulnerable to an exploit that can do all sorts of naughty things!
Things will be returning in the future after Zed has effectively re-written everything so that nasty people can't steal our Nandos Loyalty card rewards (and bank details and stuff)
In closing, Zed wanted to highlight that the survival build-off and how it went and that judging of the event would be announced soon(tm). He also highlighted that in the future he might be able to allow people to collect resources, then have creative mode enabled so people can build a lot easier, but that won't be for a while!
Nominations/Next Meeting
No new nominations and Memery (ME) agreed to host! See you all in 2 weeks for the next exciting council meeting of 2022!