


From Zedwiki

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SneakySkeleton (formerly SneakySkeleton21) has been playing on Zedwork since early 2014, mainly sticking to the LVS server. Sneaky is one of the Zriends on the LVS server.



SneakySkeleton joined LVS in February/March 2014, when the LVS server was on 1.7. He joined alone, eager to gear up and begin building. After finding a quiet forest to build in, Sneaky began to build his Forest Base, which has always remained his main base.
Sneaky frequented the Zedwork LVS server and was one of the lucky Zedlings to have been invited to the newly formed Zedling Council in September 2014. He remains a council member to this day.
SneakySkeleton was made a Zriend by Zedwick on the 4th of October 2014, after having helped Mafoo_the_Mad (formerly MafooUK) with the first nether hub expansion, and general hub maintenance.


SneakySkeleton first logged on the Zurvival server the same day he joined LVS, however did not officially start playing there until early 2015. Sneaky ventured out from a faraway region and founded the Astorath region. Whilst being a fairly infrequent player on the server, Sneaky was invited to join Zedkins in mid-2017.

Sneaky's Projects


Sneaky's Forest Base

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Sneaky's Forest Base was first created in early 2014 and has always remained to be Sneaky's main base. The base is home to Sneaky's Mob Arena, a 300x100 darkroom for fighting mobs in. Sneaky's Forest Base can be accessed from the Blue/Brown wing of the Main Nether HUB, the West Border tunnel, or the End tunnel.

Sneaky's Villagers

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Formerly a Castle base, Sneaky tore the base down and started anew, changing the purpose to house his villagers. The base has villagers which anyone who is invited can trade with. It houses all types of villagers, with the hopes of offering the best trades possible.
This town contains a mix of adapted builds and some of SneakySkeleton's original builds. Any adapted builds are credited with a sign somewhere on the building.

Sneaky & Scary's Mesa Temple (WIP)

A new base started in a mesa biome. This is a co-operative base along with ScarySpider. It is accessible from the South Border Tunnel.

Community Projects

  • Nether Hub Expansion: The Nether Hub has been expanded twice, and Sneaky has participated both times. The first expansion was lead by Mafoo_the_Mad (known as MafooUK at the time). This earned Sneaky his blue name eventually. The second expansion was lead by Sneaky and BengalBoi. The second expansion was slightly larger and includes the Nether Hub ghast. SneakySkeleton has also helped with the building of many of the warp hubs.
  • Border Tunnels: SneakySkeleton proposed the idea of the Border Tunnels in the Zedling Council meeting of 17th January 2016. The 4 border tunnels were put in place for an easy option for players to connect to the hub. They also take the player to either the North, South, Easy or West borders. They can be found in the lower part of the Main Hub.

YouTube: SneakySkeleton's Border Tunnel Special

  • Ex. Hills Warp Town: SneakySkeleton is the mayor of the Extreme Hills warp town, which was opened upon the release of 1.8. The warp has since been closed from Spawn Town and is now only accessible from the Main Nether HUB or Hayfever Hills HUB.


  • Sneaky is the Chief Detective of the Z.P.D. (A former LVS thing)
  • Sneaky has one of the highest hoursplayed count on LVS.
  • Sneaky's first hide-out on LVS still exists. It has been found by many players now.
  • Sneaky has never been banned on either server.
  • Sneaky and ScarySpider came 3rd in the first Bridge Wars Tournament.
  • Sneaky is known for claiming plots and doing nothing on them. He claimed a plot in Swamp warp; 5 years later, a build finally appeared.
  • Sneaky is the master and often champion of the Zedwork UHCs.