
Zedkins 15-08-2020

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Revision as of 20:50, 30 August 2020 by Mellori (Talk | contribs) (Category change)

[Zz] Zedkins Seconds 01-08-2020

Scribe: Mellorian ~ See Forum Minutes


Here's infinite energy used to make some cobble fall.

Attended: Excused: Absent:



After some kind donations to Zen were placed around the region post, we decided to make a communal chest area on the ground floor of the Farm Tower, for people to give and take blocks and items.

Feel free to peruse, there may be some things you might need, and you may have things other could make use of!


The Forums

We discussed ways to promote the forums, to get active players more involved in the discussions happening there.

Zed has added a broadcast message to advertise the forums, and we have agreed to add more relevant topics to the join notices - such as the Iron Farming discussion currently ongoing.


Region Map

For many years, we have been making use of a google spreadsheet that a past player set up to mark the different regions of the world.

The player has since made this sheet private, and we talked on the various ways we could reacquire it, or how we would go about making a new one, in a safer manner.


In a moment of inspiration, Mellorian realized that Zedwick could make a broadcast about anything, and so requested that one be made to alert the Zedlings of Zedwork that more cobble is always necessary.

Zed agreed to do so, on the down low. So down low, that no one will ever see it. Gotta love that guy.


Iron Farming

Following up from last meeting, and the forum topic linked earlier, we once again discussed the state of farming for iron, hoping to reach some conclusion.

While nothing big has been decided, we have agreed to enable iron nuggets from bartering, as the amount is fairly small, and requires significant input to obtain, relative to the amount.

We will have further discussions on the forum - which all are invited to take part in - and follow up again next meeting.


Netherite Hoes

Mell took this opportunity to advertise the Hoe Bounty event happening on LVS, which he is host of.

That is all.



1.16.2 has been released, and Zed has promised we will be updating to it "soon", once we are sure there are no big nasty bugs, and that Lvs has it's chance to be the cooler server for a short while.

There will also be a Casual Buildathon on the 30th of August - 4pm to 9pm BST.

Apparently Mell knows the theme, but is unable to convey it to anyone due to confusing circumstance.


That is all, use more cobble.