
Zedkins 21-11-2020

From Zedwiki

Attended: Excused: Absent:
Zedwick Mellorian SneakySkeleton
LadyBountiful dogzack123

We started off the meeting by trying to bring order to the chaos Mel left in his absence. Darth brought along Mel's spirit to guide us in these troubled times and requested I mention cobble a lot to fill the void of his absence. - It didn't work SadJazz.png


1CatClaw1 even tried to stand in Mel's place to fill in the space and help us notice Mel's absence less - It worked slightly! ABPDAB.png

I (Jasmyn01) have not scribed in what feels like an eternity and the last time I directed, I raised a controversial debate about iron farms *shudders*. Thankfully all went as well as one would expect it to go without Mel!



As some of you already know last week LVS hosted a game of hide and seek at 8.30pm last Wednesday. You can see a post about it here. This week it is ZZ's turn. There were no objections to the game being held in my oldest region which I will rename nearer the time.

So come to ZZ on Wednesday the 25th November at 8.30pm GMT for a game of Hide and Seek!!!!



Zedwick agreed that we should be resetting the end more regularly. We used to reset a random section of chunks in the end at every server reboot. He intended to fix it but hasn't yet set aside the time.


He stated that it would be before 2021 ... We shall see Homthink.png



The nether was reset past 3K after 1.16 I informed Zed that there was a suggestion of resetting a portion of the nether like he used to do with the outer end. Zed said that he intends to do that past 4K in the future!



Darthduck84: "What's the plan for the next update as it will probably affect zz a lot" Zedwick: "But wait, there's more..."

Shocked Faces :O

Zedwick: "There’s evidence in the code of the recent snapshots that they’ve been doing work on allowing the height of the world to change. potentially allowing the max build height to increase but also the minimum build height to go below 0"

TheConnorLaw: "Did someone say taller skyscrapers??" HappyJazz.png

I apparently forgot to scribe the next part of the conversation, but basically Zed is worried the toll it'll take on the server as it could make a mess. This will be a problem to deal with once the update comes so hold onto your hats, the world may be in for a change!



If you didn’t know, BIGGUSFOOTUS is building a casino in Zen!

We spent the next part of the meeting suggesting a few solutions to some problems Footus had with the building process.

If anyone (LVS or ZZ) has any game suggestions for BIGGUSFOOTUS please let them know!



Exodion wanted to set up a shop in zen that sold things... for free. I am not quite sure what happened next as I blacked out for a moment but here is what was said!

Screenshot at Nov 21 20-47-10.png

We took a vote on it and the result was a unanimous no.

Zedwick had the suggestion to add a local bulletin board in zen for people to use to advertise things such as a “Free weekly subscription” by exodion where they will gift various items to the subscribers.



1CatClaw1 revealed they have been working on a shrine to LadyBountiful for a while and that it is finally done!

If you want to take a look yourself, it is located in Shovel6 - follow the direction of the boats until you see the LadyBountiful inspired statue, complete with a relic underneath.

Image: Lady overlooking her shrine.

Screenshot at Nov 21 21-33-00.png



OGBen_ is going to host the next meeting in his region! A change of scenery will be nice.


  • Next weekend ZvZ (A wonderful new PvP zestygame) will be free to host for all Zedlings! Go play it! I personally hate PvP but I enjoy ZvZ!

  • Casual Buildathon will be hosted 4pm - 9pm GMT on Sunday 29th November. We were given no clues to the theme so I have been told Mel's spirit possessed me and shouted "NEEDS MORE COBBLE."

  • There will also be some new old Zestgames returning to Zedwork! When you might ask? The same weekend as the Casual Buildathon!

(I personally am hoping for the return of cuberunner.)

  • There are also a couple of weeks left in the hellscape tiny build tour over on LVS! Forum link here.


Finally! We all went and played ZvZ after the meeting (I will post on the forum and link it here Soon™)

The Next meeting will be Saturday the 5th December 8PM GMT.

