
Zedkins 29-08-2020

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[Zz] Zedkins Seconds 29-08-2020

Scribe: Mellorian ~ See Forum Minutes


Darn kids and their graffiti.

Attended: Excused: Absent:


Trouble in Zesty Town

iij2000x quickly hopped in at the start of the meeting to complain vigorously to Zed that, while he maintained his purple name on Zz, it was missing on Lvs, and the yellow was clashing horribly with his eyes.

After squinting at iij for a moment, while Mell suggested that iij3000x (the cooler iij) received the purple name instead, Zed promised to look into it.


A FUNnel Scheme

Mell took a moment to update everyone on the funnel scheme Zed started the Zedkins with a few meetings back.

Apparently it's seen some variable profit, though Zed has yet to see any of it.


Nether Before, and Nether Again

We spent some time discussing the Nether Regen, which will happen past 4k, similar to the way the End regenerates.

One concern was the matter of randomness - whether someone could simply mark down the coordinates of valuables to farm - but apparently the fuzziness of the regeneration makes such a method far less effective than simply exploring for loot.

Zed also said he may be able to do something about the generation of ancient debris to make it shuffle about a little, if needed.


Nuggets of Truth

As Zed agreed to last meeting, iron nuggets have been re-added to bartering!

While this is a win for the Iron Farming topic, we're still open to discussing any new developments it has.


Zed Talks out of his Beard

Good news!

Nuggets have been re-added to bartering!

Also, there'll be a Casual Buildathon on the 30th of August

4pm-9pm BST

Lady says the theme will be a surprise. Mell is hoping for cobble.


That's all from me, stay tuned for next fortnight's Zedkin Seconds!