
Zedling Council Meeting 2014-12-13

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Originally posted on the forums.

On 12/13/14 a Council Meeting was held by Bartman51 at River-Falls

We decided to encourage Council Members to not wear armor during meetings, with the exception of boots and Chainmail. This rule isn't enforced but only encouraged

A New Warp is being made to replace Jungle Warp, it is a Forest/Mountainous area

Memery is holding a Party at the new warp soon, he is leading a team of builders to create the party

Team: Memery, Bartman51, Vortex_20, MrFrigg, toothy103 and SneakySkeleton21

Dax23333 won the November Medieval Build-Off and has won 10 Diamonds!

A December Build-Off has begun, with the theme of Winter/Xmas/Zedwork Nativity viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1154

A December Skin Contest will soon begin on the forums!

Lady brought up protecting structures like Villages again. It was decided that anyone could fix and claim these structures in the name of the Council, making modifying them illegal! But looting pre-generated chests are allowed

Destroying/Griefing unclaimed structures is frowned upon but allowed

These structures can be claimed with signs stating they are Council claimed, but we decided that we want to have a special banner at each claimed Structure signifying it is Council claimed

A Contest is being held on the forum by bartman51 to see who can create the best Council Banner viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1166

It is encouraged that if you claim a structure in the name of the Council, you put a sign in the nether hub map room with the coords to it

Books for all new players with rules and such will eventually be implemented by Zed. Gemini is hosting a contest to see who can create the best Rule Book, more info at viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1164

Bartman51 and SneakySkeleton21 were elected to be Co-Mayors of the Extreme Hills town! They are in charge of the town and will report progress to the Council

BengalBoi brought up renovating the End

It was decided that he would be allowed to renovate the end spawning platform, and bartman51 would work on a new End Themed shopping area

It was decided that the host of each meeting would post a Pre-Meeting agenda on the forums which would decide planned discussions, non-member Queries and any other business for the next meeting

BengalBoi's Prismarine farm is up and running and is free to use by the community!

Suzie will be in charge of changes to the Under-Pass under spawn. She is working around issues involving the 'Alleged' Black Market, which is probably just a rumor

At the tower of trades, each person will be allowed to have 10 Chests from now on

External Voice chatting servers were discussed but voted against

Zedwick brings up newbies not being able to use horses until they become Zedling to stop them from stealing horses. There was much discussion and it will be brought up at the next meeting


Congratulations to DannyC96 for being elected into the Council!

Big thank you to DannyC96 for being the meeting's Scriber, he took very good notes!

Next Meeting Host

The Next Meeting will be held at Memery and Danny's place on December 27th at 8PM GMT