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Latest revision as of 18:41, 4 October 2020

Originally posted on the forums.


Council Members Present

  • Hominix [host]
  • LadyBountiful
  • Zedwick
  • BigBuilderAl
  • Stargazer588
  • ScarySpider
  • Earthcow
  • SneakySkeleton
  • Forseth
  • Hazardous_MX
  • Dax23333


  • ThatNurd


  • BengalBoi [strikes:1]
  • OneEyedTurtle [strikes:1]
  • RageSquid [strikes:4] [No longer a member]
  • Suzie1 [strikes:2]


Attendance Book Trial

In this meeting we trialed a signing in book, where members would write thier name in the book at the start of the meeting. It worked well, although was a bit chaotic as it was the first time. I have stored the book in my library in Paradise Prime for safekeeping, and will ideally move it to a central location in the future. Probably the Grand Museum Of Swamp.

Pranking Control

On the forums there was discussion about how to make a system so that players can enter them selves (and only themselves) into a group that is ok with pranks, and being pranked. Here is the topic. [1]

The two methods proposed was a redstone machine that shows who can be pranked at that time, which would be a few people, and a forum post where people reply saying if they are ok with being pranked, and edit thier post if they change thier mind.

The council discussed and found a better method. It was decided to have an in game system using signed books, as these can only have the authors name on it so people can't enter others for pranking without them knowing. This would be a simple chest with written books in it, and would be located in the 'Coming Soon' arch in the nether hub centre. The method is as follows:

1: To sign up for pranking you write a book and sign it. Inside you should specify a time period in which the book is valid, and any other information you think is necessery for example which base is ok to prank or any kinds of pranks you don't want.

2: You would place this book (signed) into the chest in the Office of Pranking in the nether hub.

3: In order to prank somebody, take a copy of the book the target has written. This acts as proof that they were ok with pranking at that time, in case they remove thier book and attempt to say you pranked without permission. As long as all instuctions within the book are followed, this will prevent any misunderstandings.

4: After the time period specified in a book has finished it is invalid and the person is assumed to not be ok with pranking until they replace it with one that is up to date.

5: It should go without saying that people who don't have a book in the chest are not ok with being pranked.

6: Individual prank disputes, for example if permission was given in another way like in chat or skype, will be dealt with by Zedwick and LadyBountiful.

A Community Project

ScarySpider wants to do a community project, and is looking for ideas and people to help. [2]

Animal Culling Algorithm

Zedwick has tunred his animal killer back on, and as a consequence peoples farm animals are dying. This happens when feeding farm animals even when they have a nice big pen to roam around in. The reason for it being implemented is large numbers of farm animals in a small space causing server lag. In the case of auto chicken breeders the server has in the past crashed when people forgot to turn them off.

Zedwick says he will try to address the problem of farm animals dying when fed come 1.9.

mobGreif gamerule

It was asked why it is currently off. The reason is that if it were on creepers would destroy the server in a very short space of time, with spawn being affected greatly. In addition, players accidentally (or intentionally) leading creepers into other builds where they blow up would be very bad. It may be possible to repair or otherwise nullify creeper damage using command blocks, and Zed says he will look into this. Although this may end up being a laggy system.

Directional Hub Tunnels

Sneaky would like to mention the new directional hub tunnels, and the rules that will go with them when done. The north, south, east and west will be tunnels leading to the overworld. He asks that nobody builds in these tunnels yet. Sneaky will be updating the !info portals forum post with the nether hub rules as some people are making portals that are causing problems to other players.

Music Disc Changes in 1.9

Earthcow heard that music discs would no longer drop from creepers in 1.9 if mobgreif is off. This was checked and found to be untrue, and the change was in fact that music discs used to drop from creepers when the gamerule for mob drops was set to false. There is no need to worry.

Mayor Updates

Swamp (Dax23333): Not much has been happening in swamp, possible plan for a boat race course in 1.9. I tried this after the meeting and broke 5 boats in 1/2 the proposed course, so this won't be happening until 1.9 if at all. Expantions on the treasure hunters guild idea with more quests is planned. They would probably be single building ones unlike the first quest with 6.

Forest Hills (Forseth): Forseth has been busy repairing greif and removing frames from the warp since he was elected 4 weeks ago.

Extreme Hills (SneakySkeleton): A large renovation project of the community builds is planned, starting with the renovation of the farm and then the hub. An Elytra race for 1.9 was suggested and was thought to be a brilliant idea for extreme hills to host.

Savannah (Hominix): A zoo is planned, along with a possible horse race course around the warp.

Community Build Post

Earthcow suggested a post where people can post about their community builds, for example farms that people can use.[3]


Lonebit was voted onto the council! Congratulations!

Next Meeting Host

Next meeting will be hosted by Earthcow on the 30th of January at the normal time of 8pm GMT.