
Zz Starter Guide

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This is a starter guide for the server Zedwork Zurvival.

The Spawn

You will spawn in a region called Watersedge. You may gather food from the Community Farm at the end of the walkway, and remember to replant the farm when you're done.
New players automatically spawn with two books in their inventory:

  1. Law of the Land: Describes the most important rules of the server.
  2. Claiming Land: Explains how to claim land and use the claims plugin.

If you ever lose your rulebooks (due death for example), use the command: /library for another set of them.

Your first house

It is recommended that new players start out in the region they spawned in. Follow the paths a bit and you will surely find a nice spot not far off! With placing down your first chest, you create a 9 by 9 block square claim centered around the chest. If you want to play with friends, use the command: /trust [playername] to give them permission to build on your claim.

Later on after you've become more established, you can search for a bigger permanent home in a far off region, if you desire so.

Ranks on the Server

By now you may have noticed that other players on the server have differently colored names. This is because the server has different ranks. A new player will have no rank and a white name.

List of all Ranks:

Name Colour Rank Description
White None None
Green Zedling Played for at least 15 hours
Purple Zesty Regular Donator for the server to keep it running. Can start ZestyGames.
Neon Green Guardian Zedwick and Lady Bountiful. Their word is Law.

To check your status on your way to Zedling, use the command: !hoursplayed to see how many hours you have currently logged on the server.


As a new player, regions should not yet be very important for you. You will get to know other regions and familiarise yourself with this kind of travel over time. To travel to other regions, you must know the name of the region you want to travel to.

To teleport, stand close to a Region Post and use the command: /visit [region name].

Zurvival Rules • A Vote a Day Brings Friends to Play!
Server Address:
Zen LogLedgerGuidelinesProjects
Zedkins MembersRegulationsSeconds Latest
Plug-ins Land ClaimsRegion PostsTreesfall • Bannermaker • ShopsLibrary
Regions WatersedgeHellZenTretownWaterfall
Commands  !calc • !8ball • !flip • !why • !totaldays • !hoursplayed • !totaldeaths • !info • !vote • !circle • !wiki • !mc