
Claiming Land

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Land Claiming

Zurvival's land claim plugin, also known as Grief Prevention, allows players to claim land using earned claim blocks.
Claims blocks are earned at a rate of 100 blocks per 1 hour of active play (i.e. not AFK), and are used to claim areas in the x and z coordinates.
Each block of a claim applies from 5 blocks below where it was claimed to y=256.

This will automatically extend downwards as the player builds downwards.

Within this land, other players cannot:

  • Break blocks
  • Place blocks
  • Kill non-hostile mobs
  • Break entities, such as boats or minecarts
  • Interact with buttons, doors, etc †
  • Access inventories, such as chests and furnaces ‡

† Pressure plates remain usable to all players.
‡ Crafting tables and enchanting tables may still be used.

These restrictions may be lifted for named players with the use of the /trust command.

Creating or Editing Claims

A player's first claim will normally be created when they first place a chest in the world, claiming a 10*10 area centered on said chest, and using the 100 claim blocks the player spawns with.
After this, the simplest way to create or edit a claim is via the use of a normal golden shovel.

To create a claim, you can do /Claim [radius] to create a claim centered where you are standing.

For a more precise claim, hold a golden shovel in your hand and right click the ground where you wish a corner of your claim to be. Without switching from your shovel, head over to the diagonal corner and right click the ground again. Provided that the claim has an area larger than 100 blocks and that you have enough claim blocks to cover said area, it will create a claim - evident by the glowstone and gold blocks on the ground, marking out your claim.

To further edit a claim, you must simply right click a corner of your claim with a golden shovel in hand - the corner being dictated by a glowstone block - and right click again where you wish the new corner to be. It can be tricky to know where your claim is, however, so next we'll see how to identify claims.

Finding Claims

The most trusted tool for identifying claims is by far, a stick.
Right clicking on a block with a stick will tell you the name of who claimed the block, and will show the markings - glowstone and gold blocks - around that claim.
Another use of the stick is found when you Sneak + Right Click. This will display the exact number of claims within a 128 block radius, and display all their markings within the world.
Attempting to break a block, access an inventory or interact with a button/door in a claim you are not trusted in, will display a message in chat similar to:

You do not have [name]'s permission to use that!

Also, this will mark out the claim in the world.


There are many useful commands with which to aid claiming land, here is a list:

  • /Claim [radius] - Claims an area of 12*12 by default, centered on the player.
  • /Trust [name] - Trusts a player to build within the claim you are standing in.
  • /ContainerTrust [name] - Trusts a player to access inventories within the claim you are standing in.
  • /AccessTrust [name] - Trusts a player to interact with doors, buttons, etc. within the claim you are standing in.
  • /Untrust [name] - Untrust a player completely from a claim you are standing in.
  • /AbandonClaim - Abandons the claim you are standing in.
  • /AbandonAllClaims - Abandons all your claims.
  • /Claimslist - List your claims' coordinates and sizes.
  • /Trapped - Teleports you to outside another player's claim.
  • /ExtendClaim [number] - Extends or retracts a claim in the direction you're facing, when standing within it.

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