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The current Newest Region is Watersedge

What is the Newest Region?

The Newestregion is the Region, where new players spawn. It changes from time to time to give new players fresh resources and place to build. Before it is opened, the Zurvival community builds a community farm for the new players and roads into the wild, so it's easier not to get lost and Zedwicks adds the little Zpirit helper and information boards about the rules of the server.

Established players often build useful or pretty buildings at spawn to show it to the rest of the community and greet new players with a nice little town center and not just empty space. Such buildings can include "ATMs" ( publicly accessible ender chests), mob/XP farms, shops or markets. Sometimes players build hotels or other more decorational objects, like a giant statue of Zedwick.

How to get there

If you want to get to the current Newestregion you can type /newestregion at a region post to teleport to it.

Or use the normal /visit [region name] command with Watersedge as a region.

Previous Newest Regions

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Regions WatersedgeHellZenTretownWaterfall
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