
Region Posts

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Region Posts


Region Posts are a staple method of travel in Zurvival,

acting in a similar vein to Skyrim's Fast Travel.


Region posts are generated in the world every 400 blocks,

starting at 200 of each axis, and form the base of many

important regions like - Watersedge, Waterfall and Zen.


There are two types of Region Post:

  • Named
  • Wilderness


It is a common theme for players to build their bases around

these posts so as to have quick access to them.



To use a region post, you must be standing on the stone bricks

that make up it's base. Upon doing so, you may use the /visit

command to select a destination.

/visit {Region Name}

/visit {Player Name}

Some examples would be:

/visit Watersedge

/visit Zedwick


Region Posts may also be used to set a home for you to easily return to.

This is especially useful when one lives in a Wilderness region, which cannot

be visited simply using the /visit command.

The command for setting a post as your home is:




You cannot move into a region while standing in a claim that you're not trusted in.

Once you have moved into a region, players can now /visit {your name}

to reach that post, if it is named. If the post is a Wilderness post, you

must first /invite {player name}.

Invites expire when the invited player logs off.


Region posts may be used from any Y level, as long as the block

from which you are using it receives at least 1 light from the sky.

By digging a shaft to bedrock under the region post, you can

use the region post from underground.



Players are unable to break or place blocks by Region Posts.

The area of this is marked by the stone bricks of the post.

While this is in affect to the build limit upwards,

you may break blocks underneath the Region post freely.



Donators may name one region post a month, by contacting

either Zedwick or LadyBountiful.


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